Letters to editor 12/08/21

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Dear editor,

Sorry to add to the negativity of the letters page but Dan Purdie is fast becoming the Fiona Simpson of Coolum. Like Fiona, he’s as mad as hell about his electorate’s shortcomings but doing nothing but talk about it.

“Dan Purdie will fix this roundabout,” said Dan’s signage in 2016 at the school roundabout. Dan didn’t.

Now that Queensland Government has said that it will duplicate the lanes of the Sunshine Motorway, Dan’s as pleased as punch but what of the Coolum roundabouts? Dan’s going to fight like hell about them just like he has ineffectually for five years. Fiona’s been fighting like hell for 30 years.

There is no hope for us.

Ray Barber,

Coolum Beach.



Dear editor,

It is hard to argue against the allocation of $1.75 million to plan for widening the Sunshine Motorway. A local MP said the road network is struggling to cope with the increased population. That invites two questions. Why do our Council think rapid population increase is a good thing – given it inevitably means our infrastructure can’t keep up? And do they recognise that no urban area in the world has ever solved its transport problem by building more roads? We should have a serious community discussion about what population can be supported while maintaining our lifestyle, as well as planning for the sort of public transport a modern centre needs.

Ian Lowe,



Daffodil Day 

Dear editor, 

Every August, communities around Australia love coming together to spread hope and support the Daffodil Day Appeal.

Now in its 35th year, the Daffodil Day Appeal is Cancer Council’s most iconic fundraising campaign. This year’s Daffodil Day falls on Friday August 27.

For many of us in Queensland, Daffodil Day means purchasing a beautiful bunch of fresh daffodils from a Cancer Council flagship stall to help fund world-class cancer research and show our support for people affected by cancer. 

Given the current climate, we’re counting on you to show your flower power and help save Daffodil Day this August.

Here are three ways you can make a difference:

Make an online donation at https://www.daffodilday.com.au/donate 

Become a Yellow Fundraiser. You can take on a challenge, get active in yellow, give up something you love for the month of August – the options are endless. Register here:https://www.daffodilday.com.au/fundraise-your-way/

Join our Game for Good campaign. Join Cancer Council’s team of streamers and power life-saving cancer research by raising funds for Daffodil Day. Visit https://tiltify.com/cancer-council-australia/game-for-good to get started. 

Share your #YouAreFlowerPower across social media and encourage people you know to share theirs. The power to make a difference is yours. Join our movement.

If you have been affected by cancer, we’re here for you. Please reach out to us by calling our 13 11 20 Information and Support line. 

Chris McMillan, CEO



Dear editor,

How many of Australia’s homeless people, “living” on the streets/ park benches/doorways will the 2021 Census find and record? In the 2016 Census,116 427 homeless Australians were recorded. How good’s counting Australia’s homeless people?

Margaret Wilkie,

Peregian Beach.



Dear editor,

As we go through another lockdown it is heartening to see the great majority following the health directive to wear a mask.

However, some are not wearing them correctly and wear them under their nose.

Since the Delta variant replicates in the nasal passages, leaving the nose exposed risks breathing in the virus and becoming infected.

Please everyone, continue to do the right thing. Stay home as much as possible, wear a mask, social distance and get tested at the slightest hint of symptoms. If possible, get vaccinated and stay well and remember we really are all in this together.

Robyn Deane,

Bli Bli.


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