Letters to the Editor 14/08/24

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Dear editor, 

As the Sunshine Coast has grown, we’ve seen housing and infrastructure encroaching on what used to be expansive flood plains where flood waters could once spread out before making their way to sea. 

With global climate uncertainty causing havoc, the Sunshine Coast must be prepared for the unpredictability of cyclones and the effects of extreme weather events bringing heavy flooding. 

The Sunshine Coast Council’s Blue Heart project is a great step to mitigating this very real threat to many areas. Consequently, it is important to acknowledge the Council’s foresight with this project on the lower Maroochy River floodplain, particularly now the Federal Government’s Clean Energy Regulator has formally registered it as the nation’s first blue carbon project. 

The Blue Heart project has been developed in partnership with the State Government and Unitywater.  

As the Member for Nicklin Rob Skelton said, “This project is leading the way in demonstrating how blue carbon can deliver multiple benefits to coastal communities, including generating alternative income, protecting vital habitat and threatened species, enhancing water quality and providing for cultural and recreational uses.” 

It is reassuring that our Council is protecting the environment of our region and planning for the future with this innovative Blue Heart project. 

Robyn Deane, 

Bli Bli.  



Dear editor,  

As you consider your vote in the upcoming state election it would be beneficial for you to consider the philosophies of both parties. Now look, when an LNP member  says in the same breath, “Adult Time for Adult Crime” (reactionary nonsense) and “Gold Star Youth Diversionary Programs,”  well,  from my perspective, one of these is a complete lie!  

What the current right-wing in Australia has done is import the Trumpian tactic of saying whatever the general electorate wants to hear in the cause of gaining power, and then doing the absolute opposite. Post Turnbull this is the only way for the current lacklustre candidates to ever be even remotely electable. It appears many are lying, and this is being done on several issues, not only socioeconomic-related matters but also climate change and housing. They are simply and obviously lying in an attempt to gain power.  

Dylan White, 

Coolum Beach.   



Dear editor,  

According to recent reports, Queensland teachers are spending precious teaching time handling behavioural problems in the classroom, their biggest time wasters. Schools are a microcosm of society, often where anti-social behaviour, lack of respect, criminal activities, truancy and all kinds of inappropriate behaviours are manifest. Add social media to the mix, generations are exposed to dysfunction and anarchy, expressed in their daily living.  

The main role models for students are their heroes. Teachers, friends, relatives, sports stars and social media influencers, play a big part in moulding their attitudes and characters. “Children learn what they live.” For teachers, composition of most classes contain many children from various cultures, with different morals, prejudices, attitudes and backgrounds, which they bring daily into their classroom interactions. We are a multicultural nation, with many children caught between one standard at home and on the streets, and one in the classroom. These may conflict, which often causes disruption.  

Teachers are trained to teach the curriculum, not to be sociologists, psychologists and punching bags. However, we see the deterioration of behaviours in our society, the lack of respect and discipline which the law and do-gooders cannot contain or easily reverse, rather enabling, wasting teachers’ expertise which alone cannot be rectified within limited school hours. Teaching future generations how to behave in a public setting such as a classroom, is wrought with complexities from outside, over which they have no control. There will not be much actual teaching going on if children are out of control.  

This is the dilemma that our education system is facing daily. Professional support is hindered by professional expectations of teachers. Parents who abdicate, neglecting their roles as disciplinarians and positive role models outside of school hours, are robbing eager students who attend school for a solid education to take Australia into the future.  Australia is in a quality education qualifications crisis, compared with nations that expect high educational standards and performance from schools. Education is not valued  or rated as a priority among many in our society. School and the classroom are where children learn not only language activities and mathematics, but how to work cooperatively, appropriate social rules and to become responsible, functioning citizens of our communities. 

E. Rowe,  




Dear editor, 

Do Boogiemen wear colours – reds (under beds), greenies, rainbow (people), yellow (hordes), colourful characters, black/white (gangs, scarves), purple people-eaters etc, etc? Just asking for more colourful details. 

Margaret Wilkie, 

Peregian Beach. 

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