The ‘rakey master’ who is also known as Owen Cavanagh was back at work this year creating his trademark sand mandalas to the delight of those up early enough to see the art being created or before the tide washed the piece away. Owen has created many installations since winter last year and absolutely loves making people happy via his art. With his beloved companion ‘Max’ the staffy by his side, Owen completes the pieces with just a rake and the sand as his canvas. Located usually just to the south of the Coolum Surf Club, the pieces are visible from the boardwalk once completed. Thank you Owen and we look forward to seeing more of your work throughout the year. You can check out more of Owen’s work or talk to the artist himself at his surf-inspired art gallery ‘Studio 53 Art & Surf Culture Coolum Beach’ at 53 Quanda Road, Coolum Beach.