Seventeen artists from across the Sunshine Coast who come from a diverse range of backgrounds and abilities will be exhibiting their work at the Coolum Civic Centre on Saturday, September 11 in recognition and celebration of Disability Action Week, with local disability support organisations, Equity Works and Spiral hosting the event – ‘Art Workz’.
Spokesperson from Equity Works Mirka Jendriskova said that the exhibition will be free and run from 9.30am to 3pm, Saturday September 11.
“ArtWorkz aims to raise awareness and acknowledge the important and varied contributions people living with a disability make within our community.
“We are excited to be hosting an accessible Art Show for artists to display their work and give a deeper insight into how art works for them, and the positive impact it has made to their lives.”
Jesse Cameron (aka ‘Jesse Ice James’) is one of the local artists exhibiting at the event and Jesse’s art references pop culture and he lists Banksy and Kid Zoom as street artists from whom he draws inspiration.
“I am excited to share my art with the people of Coolum and I hope that this event brings me closer to finding a gallery to sell my art.
“I want lots of people to come along and see us as this will raise our profile and then more people might find me on my social media.”
Jesse went on to say that he has 732 followers on Instagram and can be found via searching – @jesseicejames
The talented artist works on his art three to four days a week and sometimes up to three hours per session and Jesse will be exhibiting several pieces at the exhibition and is focussed on the commercial development of his art.
“A future goal for me is to learn how to do graffiti art with spray paint and then I would look for businesses that would want me to paint their walls,” Jesse said.
Peta Courtney a Visual Arts Facilitator at Spiral said that the exhibition will be an opportunity for the public to view the world through the creative lens of the diverse artists
“The exhibition will allow viewers to receive glimpses into the world behind the inspiration.”
Mirka Jendriskova explained that Equity Works and Spiral together support over 300 people living with disability and regularly collaborate on projects that contribute to the creation of inclusive communities
“We want everyone to be included in the theme of the event so visitors to the exhibition will be invited to participate in a collaborative piece of art, creating a piece of a mural and the activity will be suitable for all ages to participate in.”
ArtWorkz is happening from 9.30am to 3pm, Saturday September 11, at the Coolum Civic Centre, Park Street, Coolum Beach. Entry is free.