On each Wednesday and Friday morning in Tickle Park under the BBQ shelters adjacent to the Surf Club a group of like minded friends get together and busk for charity with their music filling up the outdoor space and the ‘Shoplifters’ have been coming together to play music for more than seven years.
Originally starting out jamming in front of a local shop in Coolum, the group were given the namesake – the ‘Shoplifters’ for what their musical melodies did – lift the spirits of the passers by. The group of up to eight at a time play acoustic renditions of 50s to 90s folk and rock with acts such as the Beatles, Beach Boys, Bob Dylan and The Rolling Stones high in their repertoire.
Shoplifter Rob Swales said that the group initially started out as just two friends jamming for fun whilst drinking their morning coffee.
“It just naturally grew with people having their coffee and saying that they played and then joining in – we all play guitar and there is Les playing ukulele and Barry plays his drum.”
“We like being able to give back to our community and it was decided that we should put out a guitar case and raise some money whilst playing and the money we raise which is about $400 to $600 a month is given to Coolum Hearts.”
Coolum Hearts is a Coolum based not for profit who provide weekly art and lifestyle classes for individuals with life challenges and those wanting to meet new people whilst doing something creative.
The Shoplifters love their new home in Tickle Park and have found that they are lifting the spirits of a whole new crowd and are sharing their music with so many more people.
“The council were so helpful with helping us make the move to Tickle Park and we do get a lot more passing traffic there and we like to think of this as our community service – four hours a week and it makes a difference.
“When there is a benefit for others it’s the driving force and now we are also playing at the Coolum and Peregian RSL on the second Friday of each month.”
The Shoplifters can be found making music in Tickle Park under the BBQ shelters each Wednesday and Friday from 8-10am.