Celebrating ten years of stitching and giving back to those in need, the ladies from the Peregian Beach ‘Knitting for Charity’ group held a celebratory morning tea last Tuesday at the Peregian Beach Community House. Founding members Lorraine, Carol, Julie and Gywnne were thrilled to celebrate their milestone and to have helped out so many needy groups over the past ten years such as Ronald McDonald House and victims of domestic violence. The group of crafty ladies meet each month on the morning of the first and third Tuesday at the Peregian Beach Community House and are always happy to have more volunteers and donations of wool. Photo: Vanessa Bacon-Hall
It was a busy morning last Tuesday at the Peregian Beach Community House with the ladies from the Peregian Beach ‘Knitting for Charity’ social group coming together to celebrate ten years of volunteering in the community.
The hand made items knitted and crocheted by the ladies have been donated over the years to many very needy social groups including homeless groups, victims of domestic violence, special care units at Sunshine Coast hospitals, baby items, trauma bears and toys for the children’s wards, and other welfare groups. The ladies volunteer their time and lovingly make each item and they are always happy to have donations of wool.
The knitting group meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 9.30 – 11.30am every month from February to November and more information can be found by calling the Peregian Community House on 5471 2311. All are welcome to join and morning tea is provided. All photos: Vanessa Bacon-Hall
Joan, Lorraine, Noosa Deputy Mayor Frank Wilkie and Noosa Mayor Clare Stewart who were the special guests at the celebratory morning tea.
Friends and knitters Julie, Trish, Frances, Penny and Jan were on hand to celebrate the ten-year milestone.Enza who interprets for Italian born Elda, cutting the celebratory cake. Elda who only speaks Italian recently celebrated her 98th birthday and has been coming to the weekly knitting group since it started and said that it meant so much being able to come along.Past and present knitters Lois, Margaret, Maxine and Carol.