NEXT week NAIDOC Week 2022 (July 3-10) will see a range of events take place across the Sunshine Coast from flag raising to family fun days and art exhibitions and everyone is invited to join in the fun.
NAIDOC Week celebrates and recognises the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and it is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth.
This year’s NAIDOC Week theme is Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! which calls on our community to rally for systemic change and continue to support and secure institutional, structural, collaborative and cooperative reforms.
Mayor Mark Jamieson said NAIDOC week continued to be a highlight of the annual calendar and the 2022 program was set to be a great success.
“Sunshine Coast Council remains committed to ensuring we have strengthened working relationships with First Nations peoples and continued to advance reconciliation,” Mayor Jamieson said.
“The updated Reconciliation Action Plan highlights our continued commitment to promoting the self-determination of First Nations peoples focusing on providing equitable economic, employability and education opportunities within the organisation.”
Community Portfolio Councillor David Law said he was looking forward to the range of events held across the region for NAIDOC Week.
“NAIDOC Week is a great opportunity to reflect on and celebrate First Nations culture, heritage and the First Nations community’s proud history of getting up, standing up, and showing up,” Cr Law said.
“The 2022 theme invites us to act decisively and shape a future based on justice, equity, and proper recognition of First Nations peoples.
“Council is committed to growing a strong community including long-term and meaningful engagement with Traditional Custodians and First Nations communities as part of the Sunshine Coast Community Strategy 2019-2041 and our Corporate Plan 2021-2025.”
NAIDOC Week celebrations will kick off with a NAIDOC Week Flag Raising Ceremony to be held at Nambour Forecourt, outside of the Eddie De Vere building (Council Chambers in Nambour) on the corner of Currie and Bury Streets, Nambour on Monday, July 4 at 9am.
Events held for NAIDOC Week:
*Lyndon Davis: Djagan Yaman Exhibition
This is the first major solo exhibition of Lyndon Davis (Kabi Kabi).
USC Art Gallery, open until August 6
*Hayley Millar Baker: There we were all in one place Exhibition
USC Art Gallery, from June 6 to August 6
*Veiled Histories: Works by leading First Nations artists – Jennifer Herd (MBarbarum) & Joanne Currie Nalingu (Gungurri) Exhibition
Caloundra Regional Gallery, July 1 to August 21
*Sunshine Coast Council Libraries will host a range of activities and provide resources across NAIDOC.
From Sunday, July 3 to Sunday, July 10
*Wan’diny NAIDOC Family Fun Day
Attend workshops, try activities and enjoy live performances and more!
From 10am on Saturday, July 9 at the Quota Memorial Park, Mathew Street, Nambour.
For more information about NAIDOC Week on the Sunshine Coast, visit, https://www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/Living-and-Community/First-Nations-Partnerships/First-Nations-events/NAIDOC