Being positive at school!
MY NAME is Calum, I am one of the School Captains at Coolum State School. Our school is passionate about striving to do our best every day and showing respect to the staff and students. I would like to talk about an amazing and rewarding initiative called bucket filling. Our wonderful Deputy Principal, Mrs Sharry, has created some bucket filler awards that are awarded to students who have been great bucket fillers and awesome friends.
So, what is bucket filling? Bucket filling is using kind words or actions to make another happy which in turn, makes yourself happy. Coolum State School is made up of amazing bucket fillers that are nice to everyone and makes everyone’s day. Kids can fill their teachers’ buckets if they use manners and pay attention when they are teaching which makes their job so much easier. I like to think of it as if we all walk around with imaginary buckets and whenever someone is nice to us our buckets fill up because we feel good about ourselves, and their bucket fills up because they also feel good about themselves. But whenever someone is unkind to us, it is called bucket dipping which drains your bucket, and it also drains theirs. They may not feel bad at the time, but they will do so at some point in their life.
So always be a bucket filler, help others around you and never be a bucket dipper.
I can’t wait to see the new posters up around school this term.