Thank you community for your support!
DURING the COVID pandemic Quota, like many community organisations was unable to hold fundraising events to raise money for the disadvantaged in our community. In 2021 we had planned several big fundraisers and then had to cancel at the last minute because of another COVID outbreak. Many of our members were keen to find a way to still fundraise without being impacted by cancellations due to another outbreak of COVID. It was decided by our members to try a pop-up stall as it would be less stressful to organise and easier to postpone than a major function. In April 2021 we held our first stall with the support of Pacific on Coolum Managers and have continued regularly through 2021, 2022 and 2023. The stalls have been a great success and are our only source of income which has enabled the club to donate thousands of dollars to local charities including The Salvation Army Coolum, OzHarvest, St Vincent de Paul, Compass Farm, Coolum Beach Christian Church (Project Connect), The Shack Nambour and Sonshine Sanctuary(DV), Coolum Star School, Orange Sky Laundry, Cittamani, and other worthy recipients.
Our next stall will be held at Pacific on Coolum from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm on September 28, 2023. We will have all of our usual items for sale such as cakes, crafts, preserves and plants. Why not get in early with your Christmas shopping?
Many locals and visitors have become regular customers at the stalls and the Quota members are becoming known as “The ladies in blue”. The stalls are a wonderful way to interact with members of the public and to spread the word about our role in the community which is to support the disadvantaged members in our area. Over the past few years, many people from all walks of life have really struggled to survive with rising costs of living, mental health issues, DV, homelessness and job instability and loss. Quota Coolum members are happy to volunteer their time making craft, jams and chutneys, homemade cakes and selling them at the stalls along with plants to help ease the pressure on local families.
We have also attracted new members through people visiting the stalls – these people are initially interested in volunteering locally and they also make new friends and gain social interaction with like-minded people.

Members of Quota Coolum Beach would like to take this opportunity to thank residents and visitors of the area for the ongoing support at the stalls. Without that support it would be a struggle to raise much needed funds to support local charitable organisations in our area. Thank you to the managers of Pacific on Coolum for showing their support for the community by allowing us to have the regular stalls in the courtyard. We are very grateful for the support of our community paper, the Coolum Advertiser for publicising our stalls and club news.
More information about Quota Coolum Beach can be found at quotacoolum.com.au or contact secretary@quotacoolum.com.au