Letters to the Editor 19/06/24

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Dear editor,  

Premier Steven Miles is hoping to buy loyalty and votes in the upcoming state election, spending the kids’ inheritance out of desperation. Knowing full well Labor is predicted to lose the state election in October, he promises the world, but it’s a cover-up.  

The social housing and rental crisis cannot be understated, after years of government neglect. With the high cost of living pressures, including rental and supermarket profiteering, Labor must address the oil industry’s autonomy to exploit motorists without scrutiny. The GST windfall lining governments’ coffers, shows collusion. 

This reckless abandonment of fiscally intelligent decisions, perceived as generosity, in an era of economic hardship, displays why Labor cannot be trusted with our economy and creating Queensland’s future. What Labor hasn’t exposed, is the $25 billion state debt and how Labor intends to manage it or leave it for those who inherit the debt. Living on credit and failure to use exorbitant mining royalties to pay down debt, lacks wisdom. Conveniently failing to declare costing for Queensland 2032, only adds insult to injury,  

We have enviable natural resources which can pay our way but are squandered on the myriad of bureaucratic workforces associated with elected members and red tape, increasing charges and crippling progress, keeping politicians in the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed. Handing out sweeteners is rather an obvious ploy to deflect from the crisis Queensland will be in, going forward or backward, whatever the case may be.  

E. Rowe, 




Dear editor, 

I was dismayed to be accused by your correspondent of not having “the foggiest idea” about climate change. For the record, I published paperback books about climate change and responses to it in 1989 and 2005, was on our National Greenhouse Advisory Panel for its entire existence and have been on the state government’s advisory body for the last ten years.  

It is, of course, true that the sun doesn’t shine at night and the wind doesn’t always blow, so we need storage to provide our power on still nights. It is also true that augmenting rooftop solar with rural solar farms requires new transmission lines. The truth is that power from solar panels and wind turbines is now so much cheaper than the alternatives that it is still cost-effective when you add in the costs of storage and extra distribution systems.  

South Australia got over 70 per cent of its electricity from solar and wind last year. There were many days when renewables supplied all its power, and it was exporting its surplus to Victoria. The facts are so clear that governments in other states, whether ALP or Coalition, have been replacing fossil fuel power with renewables. It would be happening if we weren’t suffering from climate change, because it makes economic sense. 

As for nuclear power, which I have been studying for more than fifty years, it is now impossibly uneconomic. CSIRO’s annual studies, the SA Royal Commission and the Howard government’s UMPNER all show that. The average world prices last year are undeniable: nuclear power 16 cents per kilowatt-hour, wind 4.1, solar 3.7. Old nuclear power stations that have paid off their capital cost are being closed because just operating and maintenance costs means they can’t compete. Only three nuclear power stations are being built in Western Europe. All are years behind schedule and billions over budget.  

The only sensible strategy for our electricity needs is expansion of solar and wind with enough storage to provide firm capacity. 

Ian Lowe, 




Dear editor, 

When everyone knows where the nuclear power plants are to be built, will that be where the cheapest houses to rent and to buy are located? Just asking for new clear details. 

Margaret Wilkie, 

Peregian Beach. 



Dear editor,  

I agree with action taken by Noosa Council (Advertiser June 5), and this should be employed In the Sunshine Coast Council area. A large percentage of them are untidy and parked in car parks that could be used by locals and tourists,  not to mention parking where there are no toilets, one can only imagine how their toiletry needs are met. 

Noel Frizzell, 

Coolum Beach. 



Dear editor,  

When I was growing up, man hugs were regarded as the domain of foreign soccer players and viewed by Aussie traditionalists with disdain. Today, a group man hug after scoring in rugged football games is almost mandatory. It is offered to teammates who stuff up plays as a cuddle of commiseration. 

Man hugs have multiplied and spilled into daily life. Increasingly, I find when I offer my hand to shake, it is grasped as I’m drawn into the bosom of a big boofy bloke giving me a bear hug. 

When he is a close mate, it is accompanied by mutual pats on the back. There is something primeval in this. 

Studies across different countries reveal that hugging is universally comforting. But wait there’s more, it has long-term health benefits. Oxytocin is a chemical in our bodies that scientists sometimes call the “cuddle hormone.”  This is because its levels rise when we hug. Oxytocin reduces stress and creates happiness. 

No man or woman has suffered from being given too many hugs! 

Garry Reynolds, 

Peregian Springs. 



Dear editor, 

With regards to the speech by St Andrew’s Anglican College student, Tex Warren (Advertiser June 5) about men and boys’ mental health, Tex said if boys and men talked more it will help create a cultural shift. As a society, we need a cultural shift, if men talked more about mental health issues, expressed their feelings in a trusting environment, it would help them be their better selves. 

A cultural shift by the male members of our community may also see issues like domestic and family violence reduced. 

Tex said: “We must build opportunities for connection through sports, music, engines, anything, I would like to see more people talking to the younger boys about the topic, and about their mental health. I believe that by doing this, the problem will eventually wash out. Dads will be able to talk to their sons about the necessity of talking about your feelings and checking up on your mates.” 

Well done Tex Warren for instigating this conversation at your college and I hope it goes on to improve the lives of many of your peers and it is part of a wider cultural shift to make us a happier and safer nation. 

Robyn Deane,  

Bli Bli.  

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