Colts thank Bowlo for support with framed jersey

Peter Carmody (The Bowlo), David Turner (Coolum Colts), Bill Gissane (Yandina Art & Framing) and Jo Justo (Labor candidate for Ninderry) attended the presentation of the framed Coolum Colts jersey to the Bowlo. Photo: Contributed  

COOLUM Colts Rugby League Club thanked major sponsors Coolum Beach Bowls Club with a framed Colts jersey recently. David Turner from the Colts recognised the support from The Bowlo and went on to also thank Yandina Art & Framing for their donation in framing the jumper.  

“The Colts are extremely appreciative of the help the bowls club provides in ensuring our local players are given every opportunity to shine in the local competition”, Mr Turner said.  

Bowls club chairman, Peter Carmody received the gift and said it would hold pride of place in the clubhouse.  

“We recognise our role in supporting local sporting and cultural groups. In addition, we are grateful for the work done by Yandina Art & Framing in making this a worthy addition to our trophies,” Mr Carmody said.  

The handover took place at a fundraiser for Ninderry Labor candidate, Jo Justo, conducted at the club.  

“I am so pleased to see what local communities can achieve when they work together,” Ms Justo said.   

“We have had a great day at the Bowlo enjoying barefoot bowls and this is a terrific example of cooperation at its best.”  

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