Letters to the Editor 28/08/24

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Dear editor, 

Just asking who’s applauding the Federal Pollie who keeps opening his mouth to let the wind blow his tongue around, spitting and trumpeting ignorant, hateful rants?  

Margaret Wilkie, 

Peregian Beach. 



Dear editor,  

Thank you for your article ‘Acquisition of Peregian Beach…’ (Advertiser Aug 14), which has honestly made my day.  Two weeks ago when I was driving from Peregian to Maroochy (Sunshine motorway), I was saddened to see a dead koala in the middle of the highway.  I had the impression he was a young buck wanting to cross the road to find a mate. I wondered again why there aren’t animal under-passes for these (and other animals) beautiful creatures who are a symbol of Australia no less!  

To finally learn of the acquisition of a chunk of land for a conservation park is heartening news and a long time in the making.  As the article says, “… given the long-running campaigns first waged by the community over 20 years ago …” 

Your article continues: “… SCEC … and looks forward to further additions in future to safeguard habitat and ecosystems.”  Yes exactly, more land with valuable habitat urgently needs the same protection and designation, as we have witnessed far too many decades where this didn’t happen when it should have.   

It’s unfortunate we’ve waited until the last minute when so many species are on endangered lists or threatened lists. Obviously, species once lost, cannot be replaced.  Imagine if we still had the Tasmanian tiger and all the other species and fauna that have been wiped out.  

Aboriginals are entirely correct when they consider what they’re leaving for future generations.  It’s a pity more people don’t take a leaf out of their book. Hopefully, after hearing this latest news, there’s still time to get there. 

Name supplied 

Bli Bli.  



Dear editor, 
Thank goodness it looks like Queenslanders will hopefully not be listening to people like Dylan White (Advertiser LTE 14.8.24) when casting their votes at the forthcoming election.  

Perhaps we could look at what a political party will do to hold on to power. So let’s give everyone $1000 (of borrowed money) and then a big sweetener of 50c bus fares (again borrowed money) and then hey, why don’t we open some State Government Fuel Stations? Everyone knows we have the expertise to do that even if we don’t have anyone on our side of politics who knows anything about small business. 
These things will surely take the electorate’s mind off ambulance ramping, the fractured health system, youth crime, the Olympics infrastructure debacle, and the midnight union meeting to install our new premier. 
This state government have had 22 out of the last 25 years to fix the problems in this state and they have failed miserably. Time they were gone. 

Peter Bayliss, 

Peregian Springs.  

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