OzHarvest celebrates a decade of community impact

OzHarvest volunteers with their new van at their warehouse location in Coolum’s Quanda Estate. 

THE 10TH Anniversary of OzHarvest Sunshine Coast and Gympie has been a bittersweet celebration for the founder, Michele Lipner OAM, and its many volunteers, food donors, charities and supporters who have been part of the food rescue organisation’s remarkable journey. 

Bittersweet because Michele, who started OzHarvest Sunshine Coast out of her home garage in August 2014, stepped down as Chapter Coordinator at the 10th Anniversary celebration which was held at the Maroochy RSL Events Centre on August 22.  

Division 9 Councillor Maria Suarez was at the special celebration and praised Michelle.  

“The credit for the growth and success of OzHarvest in our region is largely due to Michele Lipner who is an incredible human, mentor, educator and go-getter. 

Over the ten years of operation, OzHarvest volunteers have risen from just three to over 140. 

“The volunteers who have given so much of their time and energy are no doubt largely due to Michele’s unwavering drive and enthusiasm. 

“OzHarvest will no doubt miss you very much and I can’t wait to see what you get up to next.”  

Michele was humble in accepting such praise.  

“At our 10th Anniversary we are able to reflect on our accomplishments,”  Michele stated.  

“With everyone’s ongoing support, this Chapter will continue to go from strength to strength and I am so very proud of what we have all achieved in ten years. We have made a huge difference in our community.” 

OzHarvest Sunshine Coast and Gympie has certainly made a huge impact in the last ten years, most importantly, saving 1.1 million kilograms of food waste from landfill – the equivalent of more than 2.8 million meals.  

Councillor Maria Suarez with outgoing OzHarvest founder Michele Lipner and Councillor Taylor Bunnag. Photos: Contributed 

Those meals have nourished many people in need at 50 local schools, charities, community centres, churches and community programs from Gympie down to Caloundra and inland to the Sunshine Coast hinterland.  

However, the focus hasn’t just been on food rescue and distribution. The Sunshine Coast & Gympie Chapter has established education programs at local schools, started team-building events for local businesses (Cooking for a Cause), created a strong community outreach program through presentations, displays and information stalls – and even published a recipe book, SunnyCoast Eats.  

Ten years ago, there were three volunteers, four food donors and three charity recipients. Now there are 140 volunteers, 35 food donors and 50 charities. What a wonderful legacy Michele has left the local community, and what significant opportunity remains to help feed local people in need and advocate for zero waste. 

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