Dear editor,
On behalf of the Save Stumers Creek Off Leash Dog Beach Committee we would like to thank the community so much for their dedicated support signing petitions, completing the council and local surveys, and for showing up and helping create awareness of council’s Draft Dog Exercise Area Regional Plan and Network Blueprint.
Our first Stumers Creek-specific petition was submitted on February 26th gathering 92
signatures in two days. Then on the 5th of March we submitted a much larger petition for the broader Sunshine Coast (including Stumers Creek) with 2368 signatures, and our digital petition (Stumer’s Creek specific) with 3,899 signatures.
We will now await feedback from council and follow due processes as we await further
feedback and outcomes. The community can follow along at the next council meeting
scheduled for the 27th of March, and view recordings of both meetings on council’s web page at (
In the meanwhile, our team of dedicated and learning volunteers will continue to provide updates, and create awareness through our Facebook page
@savestumerscreekoffleashdogbeachcommittee. We will also look at ways we can work more closely with our local Councillor Maria Suarez, and Sunshine Coast Council to achieve positive outcomes that benefit our entire community.
Behind the scenes we still have surveys to collate, reports to write and conversations to be had with council, and local stakeholders. We hope that we can continue to be a voice for our community, and once we have the data we have requested, work with council on an adaptive management plan for Stumers Creek.
Thank you so much again to everyone involved. Our journey has only just begun.
Bree Logie
On behalf of Save Stumers Creek Off Leash Dog Beach Committee
Coolum Beach.
Dear editor,
Sad news for the Peregian Village as it seems that the Peregian Newsagency is about to close. Apparently the landlord has increased the rent which makes it impossible to carry on. After we lost the post office and supermarket for the same reason it is very concerning.
These businesses are the lifeblood of a neighbourhood shopping centre and losing them will affect the viability of all the other traders.
Rod Stringer,
Coolum Beach.
Dear editor
The RBA’s decision to decrease interest rates by 0.25 percent was welcome relief to many. After three years of astute economic management, inflation is falling, from 6.1 percent and rising in 2022 to 2.3 percent now.
After stagnating under the previous LNP government, wages are growing again, and the ALP’s tax cuts mean workers are keeping more of what they earn.
After being left with an almost trillion-dollar debt by the Morrison Liberal/National government, and due to Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ diligent and astute economic management, we are seeing strong and sustainable growth. It has been a slow process to turn our economy around, however it is happening even with the headwinds from overseas impacting on Australia.
The Dutton Liberal National Coalition has voted against all of Labor’s cost of living initiatives and delayed housing policies in the Parliament.
Peter Dutton said the rate cut was too soon, his shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor said it was too little too late. If they can’t agree on something so fundamental as interest rates, how will they manage the complexities of government?
With the Albanese Labor government, the nation is heading in the right direction to a better economic future, why would we want to get “back on track” to the economic mess left by the previous government?
Robyn Deane,
Dear editor,
In the forthcoming federal election, I am throwing my support behind Francine Wiig for the electorate of Fairfax. The beauty of having a community independent candidate is that all legislation presented in parliament will be considered and voted on by Francine according to what she gauges to be in the best interests of the electorate and the best interests of Australia. The two-party system has failed us. Look at the ALP’s failure to ban gambling advertising, to legislate Australian Environmental Protection, to assess the problems with salmon farming in Macquarie Harbour in Tasmania.
Look at the LNP in wanting to diminish the Public Service by 35,000 – who is going to do their job? Of course, likely consultants tied to the Liberal Party which will cost the taxpayer more in the long run.
Both parties are beholden to vested interests. They don’t vote for what is best for their electorate, but what is in the party’s interest to get re-elected. This election will probably be the last chance we have to get independent candidates elected because both parties have stitched up funding so only they benefit.
Teal is not a party, it is a colour chosen by many, but not by all community candidates.
With Fairfax being a safe Liberal seat nothing substantial happens for the benefit of the community. Our current member seems to be more interested in promoting nuclear power, rather than looking at the issues of climate change, infrastructure and housing – all so hugely affect our community.
Mike Hession,
Coolum Beach.
Dear editor,
In response to the letter to the editor, ”Francine Wiig?” by Mr. C. Caudell (26.2.25), it is incorrect to state that the nearest proposed nuclear reactor site to the Sunshine Coast is six hours away in Callide. Tarong, just two and a half hours from Coolum, has also been identified as a proposed location.
Secondly, I am a proudly independent candidate, answerable only to the people of Fairfax. Climate 200 is one donor among many supporting my campaign, alongside hundreds of local community members who have contributed what they can. The poll mentioned in their letter was not commissioned by me nor my campaign.
The people of Fairfax deserve accurate information and honest representation. That is exactly what I intend to provide as their independent voice in Parliament.
Francine Wiig,
Independent Candidate for Fairfax
Suite 8, 84 Wises Road
Maroochydore Qld.
Dear editor,
After three disastrous years in power, with promises not honoured, Federal Labor is promising even more election sweeteners, to attract more votes. We are all still awaiting $275 electricity relief payment, although some, having seen the light. Australians have moved onto a more reliable alternative, and it’s not Palmer!
So far, no action has worked to change current poll predictions. Labor’s approval rating is slowly dropping, like snow in a heatwave. Its latest is to build [in the short period, after the imminent Federal election date] additional medical centres, most of which are in Labor seats. It appears they wish to hang onto present Labor faithfuls. Labor has had three years to improve the status quo.
Calm before the storm. No, freezing the 1c excise tax for two years, supposed relief for draught beer drinkers, is political blackmail, hardly enthusing them to “shout” their mates! Read between the lines. This will go down in history as the weakest election sweetening attempt to bring in more votes, Labor has committed. It is directed at a small percentage of the population, ignoring the real issues affecting inflation for the whole crowd.
A freeze on very lucrative fuel taxes: excise and the unethical G.S.T., imposing over 50% taxes on cost at the pump, creating bonuses for both State and Federal Governments, would drastically reduce the cost of living across the board. Taxes on fuel are the most devasting impost motorists are forced to endure at the pump, initially created by Labor’s Federal Prime Ministers, Keating and Hawke, exacerbated by the two C.P.I. rises annually. The cost of all goods and services are dearer as a consequence. There is no relief now, or in the future. With a 1c saving on a pint, hardly a drop in the tax ocean – Australians are immune to their empty promises after three years!
E. Rowe,
Dear editor,
Now that the Las Vegas hoopla is over, Queensland can get on with the serious business of winning State of Origin.
The intense rivalry with the original colony of NSW started in 1859 when the NSW Government left our new colony “broke” with the first governor, Sir George Bowen, finding only seven pence halfpenny in the till.
When a thief broke into the Treasury and carried off those few coins, the bewildered Bowen had to rely on his personal accounts to pay the state’s first public servants.
Knowing the convict would have originally come from NSW, the flabbergasted Governor said, “The man is a fool as well as a rogue, or he would have waited a better time until some revenue was collected.”
Revenue was raised at Queen’s Wharf with duties on imports by sea and coal shipped down the Brisbane River from Ipswich plus excise on rum.
This was a practice inherited from NSW and its Rum Rebellion.
But Queenslanders could soon make their rum from bountiful sugar cane and today they have our Bundy to celebrate with when the Maroons beat the Blues after all those years since being shortchanged.
Garry Reynolds,
Peregian Springs.
Dear editor,
Just asking if, on the driest inhabited continent, Snowy Hydro 2.0 will be finished in time to provide water for the seven cooling towers for ‘nucula’ power plants which will supposedly provide cheaper electricity in 2050? More details needed about waste dump sites.
Margaret Wilkie,
Peregian Beach.
Dear editor,
With the looming Federal Election, it is interesting to note we now have a number of candidates running as Independents.
At least six of them seem to have a few things in common. They are allegedly independent and say they aren’t ‘Teals’ yet their election signs are a shade of Teal. They have all accepted at least $20,000 in funding from left wing businessman and the person behind the Teals down south, Holmes a’ Court, and they are all running in seats currently held by the LNP.
Yet, despite all this, they are saying they are independent. Holmes a’ Court doesn’t give money out unless he believes these independents will support his left-wing ideology.
The current “Independent” Teals have voted with the Greens between 73% and 81% of the time. Who’s to say this group of “Independents” in SEQ won’t do the same. It’s worth considering whether the risk of voting for these independents is worth it.
Des Deighton,
Coolum Beach.
Dear editor.
Recent events in the Tasman Sea highlight that many things matter to Fairfax residents but no more than a sleeping issue being Defence, or lack thereof, as highlighted in recent days.
Three little war ships of the coast of Australia armed with nuclear weapons could have easily wiped out, Canberra, Sydney and Coolum Beach in under one hour.
Where were our political masters?
Where was America on this issue? They were busy imposing tariffs and making land grabs on Greenland, Gulf of Mexico and Canada. What benefit is Aukus? Where was Anzus?
The NZ navy was there but we were nowhere to be seen.
This was a warning from China, stay out of the South China seas or we will come and visit you in the Tasman sea.
Let’s make our defence or lack thereof an issue because America won’t.
Colin Caudell,
Coolum Beach.