Division 9 – Sunshine Coast Council

8th May, 2024
Sincere Thanks
THANK-YOU to the community of Division 9 for showing support for my re-election. I’m grateful and thankful for the hours of support from my family, friends, mentors and volunteers – I wouldn’t be here without it.
During the campaign, it was lovely to chat to residents again who I had been in contact with before and to meet other people for the first time. It’s not easy to put your hand up to be elected and I’d like to acknowledge the other candidates for doing so as it meant our community had a democratic choice.
I am also humbled to have support from my fellow councillors to fill the role as Deputy Mayor. I look forward to seizing the opportunities and tackling the challenges over the next four years as I continue to represent and work on projects that are important to the residents of Division 9.
Other local updates
Work on the amenity block at Jack Morgan Park should be complete by the end of May. It’ll make a big difference to people enjoying all the park has to offer. You’ll also notice work start at the Lions and Norrie Job park in the next few months to deliver on the masterplan upgrades.
I was dismayed to learn about the damage to vegetation at Coolum recently. Thank-you to those residents who reported this to council as without their information, it is often difficult to find the culprits and prosecute them, which in turn deters others from carrying out environmental vandalism. If you notice suspicious vegetation damage occurring in Council-managed reserves or parks, please contact Council’s customer services on 5475 7272.
26th July 2023
Local update
While it’s only small,I hope the new 15-metre section of pathway on Margaret Street, Coolum Beach, will make a big improvement to those in wheelchairs, walking with assistance aids and people with prams. The pathway is now linked with existing pathways making it easier for people to travel along.
Book now for Doonan Planting Festival
Join us at the Doonan Planting Festival, for National Tree Day, on Sunday July 30.
Bring your family and friends out to Doonan Creek Environment Reserve, Verrierdale to plant food and habitat trees for koalas, glossy black-cockatoos, grey-headed flying-foxes and other wildlife.
Get in quick for this free event with wildlife displays, craft activities, stalls, live music, face painting, coffee, sausage sizzle and a free shuttle bus. Get advice and buy native plants for your backyard from our local Community Native Nurseries. Reserve your spot for Doonan Planting Festival at events.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au
Have your say
Let council know your views on two recently reviewed strategies – the Sunshine Coast Waste Strategy and the Environment and Liveability Strategy.
The waste strategy looks at how we can prevent waste going to landfill and help our region move to a circular economy where waste becomes a resource to be reused again and again.
The refresh of the Environment and Liveability Strategy calls for on feedback on proposed changes to Strategic Directions in the Strategy: including action around climate change, incorporating the UN Sustainable Development Goals and our designation as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, and further highlighting the importance of greener neighbourhoods, affordable living, accessibility and active transport.
Visit haveyoursay.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au to help shape the liability of our region and a future that is cleaner, greener and more sustainable.
The Curated Plate
Our home-grown food festival The Curated Plate is a delicious 10-day celebration of the region’s local produce, producers and chefs, and unique natural assets from the sea to the hinterland. Choose from more than 100 events offering mouth-watering food, delicious beverages and memorable experiences. Book now at thecuratedplate.com.au
A reminder that I regularly share my community chat days, local events, new development applications and other messages on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MariaSuarezDivision9.
28th June 2023
In the budget for Coolum
Council adopted the 2023-24 budget on June 22. As councillors, we go through an extensive and very considered process to reach an outcome and balance our community’s needs across the region.
For Coolum, while detailed planning for the future of Lions-Norrie Job Park continues, Coolum locals and visitors will start to see some of the initial multi-staged works begin – I’m excited to see elements of this park emerge!
Work will move forward on the new toilet block for Jack Morgan Park and the learn to swim pool at the Coolum Aquatic Centre will get a new heat pump.
There will be fence, seat and shower updates to local parks across the suburb and it should be easier to exit the Coolum Sports Complex with the continued upgrade to the intersection onto David Low Way.
Construction will start on Lowes Lookout Pathway and council will start designing both the east-west lighting for Havana Road and a broader project across the division called Coolum Connections that will look at linking parks and paths across the suburb to make it safer and easier for our community to enjoy our local green spaces.
Book now for Doonan Planting Festival
Book now for Doonan Planting Festival, a National Tree Day event on Sunday, July 30.
Bring your family and friends out to Doonan Creek Environment Reserve, Verrierdale to plant food and habitat trees for koalas, glossy black-cockatoos, grey-headed flying-foxes and other wildlife.
Get in quick for this free event with tree planting, wildlife display, craft activities, stalls, live music, face painting, coffee, sausage sizzle and a free shuttle bus. Get advice and buy native plants for your backyard from our local Community Native Nurseries.
Reserve your sport for Doonan Planting Festival at events.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au
As always, please contact council direct for any service requests such as road hazards, graffiti, dumped rubbish, parking, parks, potholes, roads, trees and waste collections. Contact details or service request forms are available at www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
A reminder that I regularly share my community chat days, local events, new development applications and other messages on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MariaSuarezDivision9.
31st May 2023
Road upgrade
The trip along North Arm Yandina Creek Road will soon be a lot less dusty with an upgrade from unsealed to a sealed road. The first stage of this upgrade will occur over the next few months. There won’t be a full road closure during the works, however there will be some delays. Council thanks you in advance for your patience.
Tickle Park Shade
In response to a resident’s request, Tickle Park is scheduled to have its shade sail extended to further protect the toddler play equipment from the sun.
Have your say
Recycle old sheets
You can recycle your old sheets and give them a new chance at life – simply clean out your linen cupboards and drop-off approved items at Chancellor State College, Secondary Campus, Sippy Downs Drive, Sippy Downs or Tewantin State School, 10 Werin Street, Tewantin, on June 11 between 10am and 2pm. Search ‘give a sheet’ at events.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au for a list of acceptable items.
As always, please contact council direct for any service requests such as road hazards, graffiti, dumped rubbish, parking, parks, potholes, roads, trees and waste collections. Contact details or service request forms are available at www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
A reminder that I regularly share my community chat days, local events, new development applications and other messages on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MariaSuarezDivision9.
3rd May 2023
I’ve been invited to many events around Coolum this past month – it’s been such a pleasure to spend time with the clubs and people who make this special area such a great place to live.
Thanks to Coolum Beach Breakers AFL Football Club for inviting me to watch them train and present jerseys to the girls’ team. This is a great club, with a fantastic family-friendly culture of fun and respect, and a wonderful support network of coaches, administrators and parents. The athletes trained with determination, and I wish the Breakers great success through the season.
Thank you also to the Coolum State High School for inviting me to be part of their ANZAC day commemorations. Hearing students reflect on what the day means to them is always heart-warming.
On Sunday, May 6, I’ll be attending the Sunshine Coast Malayalee Association Easter Celebration at the Coolum Civic Centre. There will be activities for kids and opportunities to learn about the Malayalee culture with music, dancing and delicious food.
New irrigation for Coolum centre
There is now irrigation to the centre median through the Coolum central business area. A drop system has been installed as a safe way to water the medium strip and give life to sustain a vibrant garden during the dry hot summer months.
Jack Morgan Park
A number of large sandstone blocks have been placed under the stand of trees near the childcare centre in response to a request from a Tai Chi group wanting to a place to put their bags. These blocks will serve as seating and no doubt be fun for the kids to climb on.
Community Strategy Action Plan
Community members of all ages and backgrounds are invited to attend the Stronger Together Forum on 16 May at Meridan Community Centre to share their experiences and ideas help to create a renewed Community Strategy Action Plan for 2024-2029.
It would be great to have some northern representatives participate. Places are limited. Register by visiting haveyoursay.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
As always, please contact council direct for any service requests Contact details or service request forms are available at www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
A reminder that I regularly share local information on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MariaSuarezDivision9.
April 5th, 2023
Coolum Civic Heart
The Coolum Civic Centre continues to play its role bring people together in Coolum, hosting a large variety of community events. I had the pleasure of recently attending the Sunshine Coast Chinese Association Chinese Cultural Immersion event as part of Harmony Day celebrations.
Activities included calligraphy, Tai Chi, traditional clothing, opera and Chinese tea culture.
Coming up this month at the civic centre, the Coolum Art Collective will exhibit their latest work at their popular Easter Exhibition held across the Easter long weekend from April 7 to 10 and Sunshine Coast Malayalee Association will be showcasing Kerala culture at their Easter Celebration on the May 6.
Free mulch
Bring your ute or trailer to Sunshine Coast Council’s resource recovery centres at Nambour to get a load of mulch for free.
Autumn is a great time to give your garden some love and helps to stabilise the soil, preventing it from washing away, so pick up your free load of mulch at Cooney Road, Nambour.
Search ‘Mulch and crushed concrete sales’ at sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au for details.
Entries open for WildHeART Student Art Prize
Does your child like to draw? Unleash their creativity and enter your art into the competition for native Australian flora and fauna art and be in with the chance to win a share of $3000. The WildHeART Student Art prize is a children’s art exhibition with three age categories. Entries close 16 July.
Visit the “See and Do” on botanic-garden.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au for competition details.
Get your game on
These school holidays, challenge your family and friends to a game with a wide range of board and life-size games at the Coolum Library on Thursday, April 13 from 9.30am to 11.30am. Check out the ‘what’s on’ section of library.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au for other Library hosted school holiday activities.
A reminder that I regularly share my community chat days, local events, new development applications and other messages on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MariaSuarezDivision9.
March 8th, 2023
Lions and Norrie Job Park, Coolum
In the coming months we’ll be sharing the concept design for the upgrade of this much-loved park. Based on the outcomes of previous community engagement, including the recently added basketball court, the design enhances what people already love about the park. The concept design also addresses some of the challenges including drainage and making the space more usable. Watch this space and register your email address with the project team if you wish to be kept informed. Email your details to LionsandNorrieJobPark@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au
Congratulations to Division 9 local Michele
Congratulations to Coolum local, Michele Lipner for being named Sunshine Coast Citizen of the Year. She has been honoured for her dedication to helping others, reducing food waste and advocating for vital behaviour change.
As the founder and coordinator of the local chapter of OzHarvest, Australia’s leading food rescue organisation, Michele and her team of volunteers, collect more than 15,000 kilos of quality surplus food from 40 food donors and re-distribute it to 45 agencies to feed people in need every month.
The local organisation also delivers programs such as ‘Cooking for a Cause’ and ‘Food Education and Sustainability Training’, to help empower the community make great sustainability choices.
Clean up Australia Day
Thank-you to those who participated in Clean Up Australia Day at Coolum on Sunday, March 5. We didn’t collect as much rubbish this year compared to last. I’m not sure of the reason but less rubbish to pick up is a good problem to have! A special thank you Raw Energy Coolum for organising the event once again.
BushCare calling for members
Do you love helping our environment and meeting like-minded people? Why not try BushCare – the local groups in Division 9 invite you to join their team of volunteers who look after their local bushland by removing environmental weeds and planting local natives.
Coolum and North Shore Coast Care – Watercourse Warriors group meet every Monday and Thursday, from 8.30-10am at the start of Beach Access 71, Stumers Creek Rd.
The Coolum and North Shore Coast Care – Stumers Dunes Group meet every Thursday, 8-11am (except 1st Thursday of month). Register for exact location.
There are more than 40 groups across the Coast for you to join if you can’t make those two, with regular working bees yearlong to fit your schedule. No commitment is necessary – join-in where and when you can.
Find a group near you and register by searching “bushcare” on council’s website.
A reminder that I regularly share my community chat days, local events, new development applications and other messages on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MariaSuarezDivision9.
January 11th, 2023
Welcome to 2023
My first column for 2023 – happy new year! I hope you had a wonderful break.
This year there will be lots of items for you to have your say on, including the masterplan for Lions Norrie Job Park, so I’d encourage you to register at haveyoursay.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au and tick the box to receive updates on new consultations.
Brighter lights for Coolum sport
The lighting upgrade at Coolum Rugby League and Cricket Clubs was finished at the end of last year.
In a fantastic outcome for the clubs and our community, council was able to get the right level of lighting for night-time competitions and training.
A lux level of 300 in the centre of the cricket pitch meets the Cricket Queensland lighting guidelines to ensure the club’s night-time competition playing standards are met.
The rugby league club expects 200–250 Lux for their night-time competitions and training.
Clean up for the hatchlings
We love our turtles on the Sunshine Coast – and so if you’d like to help the baby turtle hatchlings have a clear run to the ocean, come along to Clean up for the Hatchlings event from 6am, Saturday, February 4 at a beach clean-up location near you.
We’ll meet back at Coopers Lookout Park in Buddina from 8am to enjoy a free BBQ, participate in a prize draw and other fun activities, and most importantly, to weigh and sort the collected debris.
All our collected litter information will go to the Australian Marine Debris Initiative database and will help encourage source reduction discussions.
Register today at events.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au and please remember to wear sun-safe clothing, and closed shoes and help us make this a single-use plastic-free event by bringing along your own reusable water bottle.
A reminder that I regularly share my community chat days, local events and other messages on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MariaSuarezDivision9.
November 23rd, 2022

Coolum CoastSnap
The Coolum CoastSnap location has moved to a more prominent spot at beach access 77. Please take a snap if you are walking by to help with our coastal monitoring.
BatPod is a new choose-your-own adventure podcast series about flying fox conservation for ages 10–15! Students can listen along to try and problem-solve ways to live alongside these animals peacefully. Listen now on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. BatPod is made possible thanks to funding from the Sunshine Coast Environment Levy.
Citizen science opportunities
Council is calling for your ideas to help grow its Sunshine Coast citizen science program. Citizen science is when people volunteer their time to partner with researchers to increase scientific knowledge and collect data about their natural environment.
We already have some very successful scientific partnerships underway with our community – from protecting turtles with TurtleCare, bird counting at Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve and cleaning up our coastline with the marine debris program – we are lucky to have such an engaged community, ready to lend a hand.
Tell us your ideas via the NatureWatch survey at haveyoursay.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au before December 2.
Thank you
The importance of a reliable local community news source should never be underestimated. The ability for sporting clubs, community groups and schools to relay information and highlight their achievements and for local businesses to advertise their products and services is invaluable. My mum still has clippings of old newspapers if someone she knew ‘made the paper’. Thank you to Vanessa for keeping her finger on the pulse of Coolum and surrounds, always being interested in local issues big and small, and for asking the tough questions when needed. I wish her all the best in her future endeavours and I wish the Coolum Advertiser a long and successful run.
A reminder that I regularly share my community chat days, local events and other messages on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MariaSuarezDivision9.
October 26th, 2022
Mowing delays
We’re in for a wet spring and summer with our region predicted to see a significant increase in rainfall.
Increased rainfall and warmer soil conditions make for favourable grass-growing conditions. Council has increased its mowing roster to stay ahead of the growth. However, often many sites are too wet for heavy mowers to access without doing considerable damage.
Get ready
Spring is also a good time to make sure you have your Get Ready plan in place for this summer storm season as we are being told that it’s not if, but when. There are a few simple steps you can take to help safeguard your family and home. Check flood mapping and other information at disasterhub.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au. Prepare a household emergency plan – tips are at www.getready.qld.gov.au/plan. Pack an emergency kit in a strong waterproof storage container.
Dawn Awakening rescheduled
Dawn Awakening, an uplifting multi-arts celebration of remembrance, dreaming and ritual, has been rescheduled to Sunday, October 30. The free event will be held at Coolum’s Stumers Creek from 4.30am. It’s worth the early morning but registration is essential at www.horizonfestival.com.au/event/dawn-awakening.
Calling all community groups
Minor Grants of up to $2,000 are available for community groups to deliver projects, events and activities that provide community benefit via Council’s Community Grants Program. The current round closes on Monday, October 31. Visit www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au to apply today.
Coolum Projects
The Coolum Sports Precinct exit road widening, the beach stair replacement and an irrigation project in Tickle Park are all currently underway. Please take care near the work.
Motion for better housing design
We have motioned to lobby the State Government to make changes to the Queensland Development Code and National Construction Code. This is in the hope to provide for more locally sustainable design measures to be incorporated in planning schemes or amending codes to include mandatory requirements. The aim is to ensure the creation of liveable homes that are suited to local climates.
Get in touch
For service requests such as road hazards, dumped rubbish or tree issues, visit council’s website for contact details or fill out a service request. If you have other issues or suggestions to discuss, please contact me on 5475 9810 or maria.suarez@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au. A reminder that I regularly share my community chat days, local events and other messages on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MariaSuarezDivision9.
September 28th, 2022
New planning scheme
EARLIER this year, more than 8000 people had their say on proposed planning scheme directions and this feedback is being used to help inform drafting of the new planning scheme.
In the feedback received from the Coolum – Peregian communities, the Local Plan Area (LPA) proposed planning directions were all supported except for one. Strongest support was shown for planning directions relating to local environment and character. There was support for protecting local coastal environmental and landscape features; including new provisions to protect sea turtle sensitive areas; no or minimal change in maximum allowable building heights; retaining large urban minimum lot sizes; no or minimal change to growth management boundaries; retaining and strengthening existing intent for the Palmer Coolum Resort site to remain as a golf course and tourist accommodation and to investigate options to allow limited indoor sport and recreation uses in Quanda Road industrial area.
There was a level of concern for the proposed planning direction to investigate possible areas for additional low-medium density residential development close to the Coolum town centre to improve housing diversity, with more survey respondents disagreeing than agreeing.
Council recognises that many people are keen to see more detail, particularly in relation to the location of any proposed increases in density or building height. Finer-grained detail on any proposed location and extent of zonings, height limits and other provisions has not yet been determined at this preliminary stage. This detail will be included in a draft version of the new planning scheme and the community will have the opportunity to provide feedback as part of the next stage of consultation. I encourage you to read about our community’s aspirations for the Sunshine Coast’s new planning scheme at haveyoursay.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/newplanningscheme.
Other Coolum projects
A reminder that work is due to begin in late October to replace the stairs at beach access 77. To ensure the large dune next to the stairs has a chance to rehabilitate, we are asking people to use alternative authorised access points.
In other work, lower portions of the deck around the Coolum Library will be replaced soon due to rotten timber. Please take care during construction.
The Jones Parade pathway is complete and now provides a walkable connection between the Primary School and the Day Care Centre.
The ‘Dialogue’ Artwork near the pedestrian lights on David Low Way at Tickle Park has been repaired and is looking fresh and new again.
It’s also great to see people using the Lions-Norrie Job Park half-court basketball court.
There has been more progress on the masterplan for this park which will be available for your feedback in the near future.
For service requests such as road hazards, dumped rubbish or tree issues, visit council’s website for contact details or fill out a service request. If you have other issues or suggestions to discuss, please contact me on 5475 9810 or maria.suarez@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
A reminder that I regularly share my community chat days, local events, new development applications and other messages on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MariaSuarezDivision9.
August 31st, 2022
SEVERE erosion uncovered parts of the stairs buried for a long time at beach access 77. The stairs need major structural repairs. After careful review, it was decided it would be more cost-effective to rebuild the stairs with a new aluminium and timber set. This will provide longevity while keeping the look of the natural timber stairs currently in place. Work is expected to begin in late October. To ensure the large dune next to the stairs has a chance to rehabilitate, we are asking people to use alternative authorised access points.
Coolum Pines MX located in the Coolum Industrial estate is home to the Suncoast Junior Motorcycle Club which is well loved by people who love to ride. Noise complaints have been regularly received for the past seven years. Council is acting in the best interest of all parties by allowing continued, but regulated, use of the site and giving residents some respite from the noise. As the club is located on Queensland Government land zoned industrial, it has tenure direct with Economic Development Queensland (EDQ). Council has and continues to work with the club to resolve this compliance matter to attempt to find an appropriate alternative location for the club.
For service requests such as road hazards, dumped rubbish or tree issues, visit council’s website for contact details or fill out a service request. If you have other issues or suggestions to discuss, please contact me on 5475 9810 or maria.suarez@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
A reminder that I regularly share my community chat days, local events, new development applications and other messages on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MariaSuarezDivision9.
August 3rd, 2022
Blue Carbon Grant
I WAS pleased to find out that Sunshine Coast Council and its grant partners were successful in securing $2 million in funding through the Commonwealth Government’s Blue Carbon Ecosystem Restoration Grants for the Blue Heart project. Blue Carbon is carbon that is stored in marine and coastal ecosystems and includes carbon stored in the bodies of plants and animals as well as in debris and soil.
As Blue Carbon ‘farming’ is a potential economic opportunity for Blue Heart private landholders, the grant funding provides a timely opportunity to demonstrate Blue Carbon restoration and its benefits. The Blue Heart will contribute to further progressing our collective understanding of Blue Carbon ecosystems and the benefits they provide to biodiversity, fishing, water quality, recreation, and coastal protection.
Bin reminder
You may have noticed and maybe not heard, our new-look waste trucks driving around the streets, as our new waste collection contractor JJs Waste and Recycling started service across our region. Just a friendly reminder to put your bins out the night before your normal collection day as waste collection trucks start at 6am. Council picks up 250,000 bins a week and we want to get everyone right.
Major Grant Applicants
Division 9 community groups with project ideas to make the Sunshine Coast more active, vibrant, creative, inclusive, or resilient are invited to apply for a major grant. More than $500,000 in funding is up for grabs in the latest Major Grants round, which is now open and closes on August 29. Major Grant applications can be submitted in one of six categories, Community Development, Community Facilities, Creative Development, Cultural Heritage, Economic Development and Sports and Recreation. For more information visit sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au and search ‘Major Grants’. A reminder that I regularly share my community chat days, local events, new development applications and other messages on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MariaSuarezDivision9.
July 6th, 2022
COUNCIL recently adopted its budget for the 2022–23 financial year and I’m looking forward to quite a few Coolum projects coming to fruition.
Thanks to community feedback, a new half-court basketball court will be built in Lions–Norrie Job Park for the young and young at heart to practice their ball skills on and, excitingly, $40,000 has been allocated to progress plans for the design of a pump track in the park. In welcome news for another local park, a new $350,000 amenities block is planned for Jack Morgan Park.
The Coolum Sports Complex Intersection will be upgraded with $700,000 of work thanks to funding from the Queensland Government.
Whether walking or riding, plans are progressing for a new pathway along Emu Mountain Road, between Old Emu Road and David Low Way, to make the trip between Peregian Breeze and the beach safer for pedestrians and cyclists.
Funding has been allocated to create a pathway to Lowes Lookout and complete the coastal pathway from beach access 533 to 536 along David Low Way.
Putting a budget together is a challenging process with many competing priorities. As a council, we also had to mitigate as best we could the increase in the Queensland Government’s property valuations. Please remember interest-free rate payment options are available – check the brochure in your rates notice for the details.
Plant a tree for National Tree Day at an event near you
Book now for National Tree Day and join in Australia’s largest tree-planting event. Council will once again be back at the Doonan Creek Environment Reserve on Sunday, July 31, for a family-friendly tree-planting festival. I encourage you to book now at sunnshinecoast.qld.gov.au. Tools, plants, gloves and guidance provided.
Minor grant success
Congratulations to the eight local groups for their success in council’s recent round of minor grants – Coolum Beach Breakers AFL Football Club, Coolum Beach Surf Life Saving Club, Hoofbeats Sanctuary Sunshine Coast, Coolum HeARTs, Coolum Beach Junior Rugby League Club, Coolum Croquet Club, Bli Bli Tennis Club and Coolum Beach Bowls Club.
A reminder that I regularly share my community chat days, local events, new development applications and other messages on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MariaSuarezDivision9.
June 15th, 2022
Doonan planting festival
Have you registered for the Doonan Planting Festival, as part of the World Environment Day month-long program? Help plant 1000 food trees for glossy black cockatoos, flying foxes and other wildlife at the free family-friendly event on Sunday, June 26, from 8-11am. There’s tree planting, wildlife displays, live music and free food. Registrations are essential. Please book now at http://tiny.cc/1000treesdoonan
Biosphere countdown
It won’t be long now till we find out if our region will be recognised around the world as a biosphere. If granted, it means UNESCO will officially recognise the Sunshine Coast as an international site of excellence and an area of natural beauty. Just four other sites in Australia are UNESCO-designated biosphere reserves including the Great Sandy reserve. It is an exciting time for the future of our region, and I invite you to join in the fun by posting a photo or video of your favourite part of living on the Sunshine Coast with the hashtag #SCbiospherecountdown.
Coolum Coastal Works
Residents have witnessed the erosion at Coolum Beach and the last time the beach levels were down to coffee rock was during the 2012–13 storm season. We have a fantastic team of coastal engineers at council who have been regularly monitoring and responding to the situation to make access and infrastructure safe where possible. While the rock wall is still in good condition, the stairs at beach access 77, which were previously covered in sand, have eroded. A structural engineer assessment has recommended the stairs remain closed while council progresses with repair plans. Keep an eye on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MariaSuarezDivision9 for updates.
For service requests such as road hazards, dumped rubbish or tree issues, visit council’s website for contact details or fill out a service request form – and don’t forget to dob in a pothole. If you have other issues or suggestions to discuss, please contact me on 5475 9810 or maria.suarez@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
May 11th, 2022
IT WAS wonderful to see many local schools and community groups commemorate ANZAC Day at the Coolum-Peregian RSL Dawn Service recently. Inspirational stories from veterans and understanding and hope from our youth were shared. Thank you all for your participation.
Save the date for Sunday June 5 which will be the Coastal World Environment Day (WED) Fest at Jack Morgan Park. Hosted by council, this event is part of the month-long World Environment Day program. I’m so excited to have the event in Coolum. Another local WED event is the Doonan Planting Festival. Help plant 1000 food trees for glossy black cockatoos, flying foxes and other wildlife at the free family friendly event on Sunday June 26 from 8am to 11am. There’s tree planting, wildlife displays, live music and free food. Registrations are essential. Book now at http://tiny.cc/1000treesdoonan
Jack Hagan is the next Coolum Keeper. He will be reading Coolum residents’ and visitors’ mail in Tickle Park every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 4pm from May 13 until June 3. Jack is the seventh keeper in a series of 10 interactive public art exhibitions. Letterboxes will be dotted around town and will move location during the project but there will always be one stationed at the library and another at the Arts Hub in Tickle Park on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 6am to 6pm. Come down and write a message and post it using the letterboxes for Jack to read.
The Barn’s Lane development application has received approval and I thank the community groups and residents who made submissions. This was a great case study of the developer working with the community regarding their application.
For residents who don’t have one, your new garden organics bin will be delivered in May and June 2022, ready for the service to start from Monday July 11. Garden organics bins are collected on the same day as your general waste bin and on the alternate week to your recycling bin. Please don’t use your new garden organics bin until Monday, July 11 – as it won’t be collected before then. If you’re unsure, search ‘bin day’ on council’s website to find your collection day. And please remember to put your bins out before 6am.
A reminder that I regularly share my community chat days, local events, new development applications and other messages on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MariaSuarezDivision9. In the event of wet weather, some of the locations will change for Community Chats. Please check my Facebook page for the latest updates.
April 13th, 2022
ANOTHER stage of the Jack Morgan Park Masterplan is underway with a new public amenities block set to be complete by October 2022. Jack Morgan Park is a much loved ‘green heart’ in Coolum and new amenities will make it more convenient for everyone.
The replacement of the playground equipment at the Cordellia Street Park, Coolum Beach, has been completed. The work included removing the old equipment and installing a new play structure, new concrete edging, new soft-fall rubber and a sandstone retaining wall to sit on. I hope families enjoy the new equipment.
Survey results for a half-court basketball court in Norrie Job Park were overwhelmingly in support. Thank you to everyone for their valuable comments both for and against. Future upgrades in this park will be mindful of the issues raised and the overall community’s needs.
Projects that are seeking resident input include nominations for the Community Strategy Leadership group; Sunshine Coast Youth Survey; and Neighbour Day where you can nominate a deserving neighbour to win a $100 Bunnings voucher. Go to https://haveyoursay.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/ for details.
Applications for council’s latest round of Minor Grants are now open. Not-for-profit groups are encouraged to apply for up to $2000 to deliver one-off projects, events and activities that provide community benefit. Visit sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au for more information. Applications close on May 3, 2022.
The SEQ City Deal announced funding of $35.3m for the Blue Heart project. While I am seeking clarification on what the funding commitment will actually represent – how much of this funding is guaranteed to come to fruition and how much is new funding and not what has already been spent. Watch this space. Funding to further progress the aims and objectives of the Blue Heart will be of great benefit to the environment, the community and the landowners. For more information visit https://www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/Council/Planning-and-Projects/Major-Regional-Projects/The-Blue-Heart
If you have issues or suggestions to discuss, please contact me on 5475 9810 or maria.suarez@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
March 9th, 2022
Thank you to those who cleaned up our environment after the severe weather event recently and who were able to help on Clean Up Australia Day. Considering the event was on the verge of being completely cancelled, we had a good turnout at the Coolum Beach event organised by Ben at Raw Energy Coolum. It was staggering to see the volume of debris on our beaches from the floods. We picked up many pieces of styrofoam from damaged pontoons which looked like pumicestone, other bits of plastic that looked like cuttlefish bone and we even dragged a large piece of infrastructure pipe up from the beach. It was great that we could come together as a community to begin the flood clean-up that I’m sure will go on for some time.
Council crews have also been out picking up trees, branches and rubbish from recently impacted areas and beaches. They aim to clean up as quickly as tide and weather conditions allow, focusing on high use areas first. Some work may depend on the availability of machinery and any adverse weather, swell or tides. For your own safety, please avoid dangerous areas and follow any on-site signage. Please be kind to our staff and contractors out on site who are doing their best to repair damage and clean up the region.
The Coolum Skate Park was vandalised recently and had to be closed. Following community feedback, council has installed a solar-powered, temporary CCTV at Tickle Park. It will be in place for eight weeks. We hope this will deter any ideas of further damage to the park.
Finally, I would like to thank our community for following emergency warnings, checking on your neighbours and to the many volunteers, emergency workers and council staff who worked long shifts over many days and continued to support the Sunshine Coast during the recovery phase.
February 9th, 2022
The garden organics bin collection service is expanding to households across the Sunshine Coast to those who don’t currently have one from July 2022.
It’s an easy and convenient way to dispose of your lawn clippings, weeds, leaves and other organic garden materials.
Each fortnight, the bin will be emptied by council, and diverted away from landfill and mulched ready to be reused.
Mulching garden waste, instead of dumping it, will extend our landfill life and reduce greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
The garden organics bin service is expected to be about $35 per year for a 240L bin and is the first step on our journey to a future Food Organics and Garden Organics (aka FOGO) collection service.
If you already have a garden organics bin your annual fees will reduce to the new rate.
You can find more information at www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/gardenbin.
Also, on our website is more information about the upcoming planning scheme consultation. A planning scheme sets out council’s plan for managing growth and change within our region. It applies to land that you own or rent and affects what you can do with your land and what your neighbour can do with theirs.
Council is in the early stages of preparing a new planning scheme and everyone will soon have the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed planning directions for our region. Visit council’s website and sign up today to receive project updates, details on engagement activities and be the first to have your say when consultation begins.
As always, please contact council direct for any service requests such as road hazards, graffiti, dumped rubbish, parking, parks, potholes, roads, trees and waste collections. Contact details or service request forms are available at www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
January 19th, 2022
Cinnamon Ave works
Happy New Year – I hope the weather over the festive season didn’t disrupt your plans too much. The weather did throw a few of council’s timelines out for some construction projects including the road closure at Cinnamon Avenue, Coolum Beach, between Fourwinds and Spindrift Avenue. The temporary closure is in place to replace the stormwater culvert and will need to be extended to Thursday, March 24, 2022.
Hatchlings cleanup
Unfortunately, council has made the decision to cancel this year’s Clean Up for the Hatchlings in the advertised format due to the ongoing COVID situation. However, the turtles and our beaches still need your help so the event will move to an online format. Please continue to pick up any rubbish (safely with gloves) on your daily walks and keep an eye on council’s Facebook page for ways you can join in safely, in your own time.
Parks and gardens
Council takes pride in making sure our Sunshine Coast parks and gardens look their best but the recent wet weather has delayed some of our mowing and maintenance services and I thank you for your patience while we catch up. If we get enough dry weather our parks and gardens and other grassed areas will quickly return to tip-top condition.
Well done to the recent successful applicants in council’s latest round of Minor Grants (part of the Community Grants program). Coolum Beach Meals on Wheels Inc. received $1818 to replace ceiling fans, Coolum HeARTs Inc received $2000 to purchase art supplies for their participants, and Coolum Board Riders Surfing Association Inc received $2000 for surf safety and awareness through their coaching and training program. More than $81,000 was delivered to 50 local not-for-profit organisations across the region. The Community Grants Program’s next round will be a Major Grant round, opening February 1 and closing March 14, with notification anticipated before May 9, 2022. For more information visit council’s website.
Community chats
In light of the request from the State Government to stay at home and council’s request of staff to work from home where possible, I will be postponing community chats for January and February.
As always, please contact council direct for any service requests such as road hazards, graffiti, dumped rubbish, parking, parks, potholes, roads, trees and waste collections. Contact details or service request forms are available at www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
December 8th, 2021
A recent community survey has shown that Sunshine Coast residents really value our natural environment. The Environment Levy supports a lot of activities that help to preserve our environment. At the recent Ordinary Meeting of Council, we were presented with the Environment Levy annual report which has an overview of the past year’s activities including growing the land protected for conservation across our region; giving grants to landowners and community organisations so they can continue to tackle local environmental projects – which ultimately benefit us all; fighting invasive weeds; research and monitoring so we can adapt the way we manage our environment; and raising awareness about endangered species, such as the shorebirds. For more on the outcomes of the meeting, head to my Facebook page.
Over the past few weeks, our region has experienced heavy rainfall with falls between 100mm and 200mm recorded. The forecast has predicted more significant rainfall over the coming weeks. As we all know, prolonged wet weather makes for a lot of mowing. Right now, our teams are out and about caring for our 1,069 hectares of parklands and reserves across the Sunshine Coast region – that’s equivalent to 1,998 football fields. Our staff and contractors are working extremely hard to ensure we can service every site as soon as possible however, we are experiencing some delays. Even when the wet weather clears, our regular schedule may need to change to allow green spaces to dry out – otherwise we can risk significant damage to our parks and grounds. I appreciate your patience as we resume services back to normal once conditions improve.
Council’s customer contact counters and reception desks will be closed from 2pm December 24 and will reopen on January 4. From December 29 to 31 you can still contact council via phone, web chat, email and call back.
The Maroochydore Planning, Building, Plumbing and Development counter will also be closed during this time and any calls to 5475PLAN will be redirected to customer contact. Visit council’s website for more details.
Have you got your tickets to the Festive Garden at Maroochy Bushland Botanic Gardens from December 17 to 21? It’s set to be a pretty magical experience as the gardens are transformed into a magical wonderland where you’re greeted by elves, serenaded by carolers and the night is aglow with a forest of twinkling lights. Tickets are free and available at sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
And finally, I’d like to wish you all a very safe and happy holiday season and hope you manage to spend some quality time with loved ones.
November 10th, 2021
Turtle season
Turtle nesting season is here so from November to May, please look out for turtle tracks, new nests and emerging hatchlings. If you do see signs of turtles on our beaches, please watch your step and contact Coolum and North Shore Coast Care on 0478 435 377. You can help the turtles by keeping our beaches clean and switching off your outside lights from 8pm.
Turning off your lights helps as nesting turtles are deterred by artificial light at beaches, and hatchling turtles are disorientated by light sources, decreasing their ability to reach the ocean and survive to adulthood.
Mudjimba beach is actually a popular nesting beach for sea turtles. And so, in partnership with Griffith University, Sunshine Coast Council is doing a study on artificial light at night and local sea turtles. At Mudjimba beach, an existing pedestrian light has been retrofitted with a motion activated light, that does not impact turtles due to the specific wavelengths of colour emitting from the light.
Council is taking for your views on the project through an online survey at haveyoursay.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/turtlecare-light-study-buddina. These survey results will help guide our future marine turtle conservation efforts, such as expanding the turtle sensitive lighting project.
The Keeper Art
Have you connected with The Keeper Project? It’s a live public art project where artists work in a temporary role as observer, collector, maker and storyteller within our community. Keeper number five, Kellie O’Dempsey, has arrived and is searching for a natural landmark that has vanished from Coolum Beach. Can you help her find it? Visit Kellie Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9.30 – 12.30 at the Coolum Library.
Footpaths and shelters
A lot of work has been happening around Division 9 or is due to begin soon. Runway Drive, Marcoola and Park Crescent in Coolum Beach have had new pathways built. Three new bus stop shelters have been built along David Low Way at Coolum Beach and new safety fencing for the school children has been installed along School Road, Thomas Road and Willis Road in Bli Bli and a new footpath has been built on Philbrook Street in Bli Bli.
October 20th, 2021
Do you travel along Verrierdale Road, Verrierdale, at any stage during your day? Please be aware that reconstruction of a 900m section of the road is in progress.
It’s quite a significant amount of work as Council will be completely removing and replacing the road base and so will need to close the road with redirections in place.
The existing road and base will be removed one lane at a time. The subgrade will then be strengthened by lime stabilisation with the placement of a cement fortified gravel to follow. Once this lane has been completed to a bitumen seal standard, works will start on the opposite lane.
The project team is keen to complete these works in a timely manner and do their best to work with the community during construction.
I understand that there will be some inconvenience for residents and businesses, but this upgrade really needs to be done and I thank you for your patience.
If you’re able to, I’d recommend using Eumundi-Noosa Road and Emu Mountain Road while the work takes place.
If you have other issues or suggestions to discuss, please contact me on 5475 9810 or maria.suarez@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au or come along to one of my community chats on the second Wednesday of each month. Please keep an eye on my Facebook page for details.
September 8th, 2021
I’d like to start this column by saying a big thank-you to all the community groups and their volunteers who donate their precious time, energy and passion into delivering services to our community and environment.
In late August, Council partnered with 138 community groups and 19 environmental groups to provide funding for three years.
Through the Community Partnership Funding Program, 138 Sunshine Coast community organisations received a share of $990,000 each year for the next three years to help cover operational costs such as rent, communications and administration.
And through the Environment Levy Partnership Funding Program 19 groups will share in $610,000 each year for the next three years to also cover operational expenses.
This support means these groups can invest their time and energy into their core work, whether it be caring for our wildlife and natural environment, managing community halls or a sporting association, supporting business and industry through the chamber of commerce, as well as much more.
Congratulations to Coolum District Coast Care Group Inc, which operates across divisions 8 and 9, Bli Bli on Maroochy Historical Society Inc, Bli Bli Public Hall and Community Association Inc, Bli Bli Tennis Club Inc, Coolum Beach Bowls Club Incorporated, Coolum Business and Tourism Incorporated, Coolum Croquet Club Inc, Coolum District Netball Association, Coolum Tennis Club Inc, Maroochy River Rowing Club Inc and Valdora Community Hall Association Inc.
If you have issues or suggestions to discuss, please contact me on 5475 9810 or maria.suarez@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au or come along to one of my community chats on the second Wednesday of each month. Please keep an eye on my Facebook page for details.
August 11th, 2021
I’m pleased to share that the following organisations were successful with their minor grant applications: Coolum Men’s Shed Inc to construct an accessibility pathway; Coolum Business and Tourism to commission a consultant to establish advisory committees; and Coastal Community Native Nursery for equipment for use by volunteers at the community nursery.
Minor Grants will open again on September 20, 2021, while Major Grant funding applications are open now and close August 30, 2021. To learn more, visit www.sunsinecoast.qld.gov.au/grants.
Work is due to begin soon on a two-metre wide pathway along the west side of Park Crescent. The pathway will extend from the existing pathway north of Pandanus Avenue to the pathway on Yandina Coolum Road. It has been prioritised as a result of discussions with Coolum State Primary School and parents so it’s safer for the community to access the school when walking and riding.
Earlier this year, residents were asked, if they would use a garden waste or a Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) bin service.
From 7,500 responses, 84 per cent of respondents said council should provide a service to reduce organic waste in landfill and reuse it.
This vital feedback led Council to make the decision to roll out an opt-out garden waste bin service from July 2022.
The expanded garden waste service will divert garden clippings, weeds and leaves from landfill and is the first step to transitioning to a FOGO service, which will prevent one million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions being released into the atmosphere over the next 30-50 years.
This change will mean the current charge will decrease, due to economies of scale. It is likely that the State Levy rebate will be removed in the future, which would have resulted in approximately $60 charge to residents for no new service at all! So, in the long run, there will be financial savings for existing and future users and a big reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Some properties will be exempt, however, the conditions of the exemption are yet to be finalised. Council will keep residents informed of planned changes which won’t start until July 2022.
July 8th, 2021
Council adopted its budget for the 2021/22 financial year and I’m pleased to be able to progress projects which have been on the community wish list for some time. This includes funding for community consultation for a new Peregian Springs Community Centre and $103,000 to construct a pathway at Park Crescent, Coolum Beach.
Road improvements and sealing of unsealed roads remains a priority and the budget has allocated $300,000 to improve the safety of and upgrade the Coolum Sports intersection at David Low Way, Coolum with a number of unsealed roads getting upgrades throughout Division 9
A missing link of the coastal pathway at Coolum Beach between Lions Park and Norrie Job Park will be built as well as a new amenity block at Jack Morgan Park.
Planning for a new community park at our Blue Heart at Yandina Creek will begin as well as upgrades to other playground and fitness equipment at Cordellia Street, Coolum Beach and Grove Park, Peregian Springs. I’ll update on other projects planned for division 9 in the coming year.
Council acquired 94 hectares of land to expand the existing Doonan Creek Environment Reserve, bringing it to an impressive 474 hectares. This purchase was made possible thanks to Environment Levy funds. On June 5, I joined in with the community to celebrate this as part of World Environment Day, by helping to plant 1200 native trees, shrubs and ground covers on the reserve. Doonan Creek Environment Reserve is a special place, and I’m looking forward to this area being publicly accessible in the future – so everyone has the opportunity to enjoy it.
Development continues to be closely followed and the community is asking questions about recent applications in Peregian Springs. Development.i on council’s website provides all documentation and the ability to lodge comments or submissions on current applications.
If you have other issues or suggestions to discuss, please contact me on 5475 9810 or maria.suarez@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au or come along to one of my community chats usually on the second Wednesday of each month. Changed to Tuesday July 13 for this month. Please keep an eye on my Facebook page for updates.
June 10th, 2021

I urge you to have your say on the Mass Transit Project before consultation closes on June 22, 2021. In previous correspondence, I highlighted that better public transport is an issue that’s been raised by Division 9 residents. Even though the plan is for south of the river, it will affect you.
Do you work or travel to the hospital, the University, Maroochydore, Kawana or Caloundra? How do you plan on getting there in the future when the population has grown and traffic is worse?
The options propose a high frequency bus network, which will cut through Coolum and Peregian. Will you use these buses? How will you get to the bus stop? Where will you park? Will you continue to drive? Why? Will you have parking options when you get there? How will you travel in the future? Please tell council what you need and want.
There is a lot of information to get through and some fact sheets to help. Email the team if you have questions and find the survey and contact details for the project at haveyoursay.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
Council recently acquired 94 hectares of additional land to expand the existing Doonan Creek Environment Reserve, bringing it to an impressive 474 hectares. This purchase was only made possible thanks to the funds generated by the Environment Levy. On June 5, I joined in with the community to celebrate this as part of World Environment Day, where 1200 native trees, shrubs and ground covers were planted on the reserve. The event was a partnership between council and the Sunshine Coast Environment Council. Around 200 people came together to share environmental stories, information, projects and causes. Doonan Creek Environment Reserve is a special place, and I’m looking forward to this area being publicly accessible in the future.
If you have other issues or suggestions to discuss, please contact me on 5475 9810 or maria.suarez@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
May 13th, 2021
recently, Sue (my assistant) and I spent the morning delivering meals to Coolum Beach residents, with the local Meals on Wheels team. Sorry if we were a tad later than your usual delivery time, it was too hard not to chat with everyone! There is a huge effort behind the scenes from a great group of volunteers who are truly making a difference to people’s lives. It’s impressive the amount of work that goes into the organisation and coordination to cook and deliver the meals. The group is calling out for more volunteers in the kitchen and as drivers as client numbers continue to grow. To contact Meals on Wheels visit www.coolummealsonwheels.org or call 5446 1000.
It’s been a year since I began my role as your Division 9 councillor and I have learnt so much, it’s been interesting learning about the vast and varied work of council. Some of my previous misconceptions have been dismissed, others have been confirmed. I’ve enjoyed working with the other Sunshine Coast councillors, who are a positive and respectful group open to working collaboratively on issues. Please head to my Facebook page @MariaSuarezDivision9 to hear my full overview of my first year as a Sunshine Coast councillor.
Council is considering options for an improved public transport system and wants to know your thoughts about what’s being considered, from road upgrades, a quality bus corridor, rapid bus services to trackless trams, light rail and more. I encourage participation from the Coolum community, even though our region is located outside of the southern coastal corridor, the outcome will still affect the way you travel when heading south for work, appointments or leisure.
Learn more at haveyoursay.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au before June 22 or come along and chat to the Sunshine Coast Mass Transit Project team in person on Tuesday June 1, from 10am to 12noon at the Coolum Library.
A reminder that on the second Wednesday of every month, from 8am to 4pm, I’ll be at out and about in Division 9 to chat to you about any local government issues. I’m basing myself at the Art Shelter in Tickle Park from 11am-1pm, however keep an eye on my Facebook page in case details change.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me on 5475 9810, maria.suarez@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au or via my Facebook page @MariaSuarezDivision9 however if your issue is operational in nature, like a missed bin, pot holes, report graffiti, pets etc. the quickest and simplest way to get a response from council is via the contact options on the website at – sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
April 8th, 2021
Repairs and upgrades to the Coolum Tennis Courts are finished and look great. The project involved relocating some of the lights to achieve four tournament compliant courts and new concrete bases to replace the asphalt base, which had deteriorated to a level of reduced playability, particularly after wet weather. The project also included new fences gates and perimeter pathways to match the new court heights. Council received funding from the Queensland Government COVID Works for Queensland grant program to complete the project.
It was lovely to be invited to Quota Club of Coolum Beach for their renaming ceremony. Unfortunately, I had to leave quite early and did not witness the large number of cheques they handed out to other local charities. Well done ladies, it is a fantastic effort and your new shirts looked great!
On the second Wednesday of every month, from 8am to 4pm, I’ll be at out and about in Division 9 to chat to you about any local government issues. I’m basing myself at the Art Shelter in Tickle Park from 11am-1pm, however keep an eye on my Facebook page in case details change.
Council’s Environment and Liveability Strategy has won a Banksia Sustainability Award from the Banksia Foundation, in the Government category. The Banksia Judges were impressed with the comprehensive framework of plans, policies, guidelines and projects that integrate sustainability across the Sunshine Coast. This is a significant achievement as the awards are regarded as the most prestigious of their kind in Australia. Congratulations to all staff who have been involved in delivering the actions from this strategy ever since its inception. It was a privilege to be with them as they accepted the award.
Council is accepting applications for its Community Grants Program until May 4. Not-for-profit organisations can apply for up to $2000 to deliver one-off projects, events and activities that provide community benefit. Please visit Council’s website for more information and to apply online.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me on 5475 9810, maria.suarez@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au or via my Facebook page @MariaSuarezDivision9
March 11th, 2021
Kids steal the spotlight
If you are connected to a primary-school student, I encourage you to let them know about the chance to win great prizes by entering the 2021 Sunshine Coast Get Ready Schools Competition! They need to create a 30-second video highlighting the importance of having a “WHAT-IF-PLAN” so everyone knows what to do when disaster strikes. Visit haveyoursay.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au to enter by midnight Friday April 30, 2021.
Have your say on animals and parks
Whether you are a pet owner or not, council wants to hear your thoughts on responsible pet ownership across the region. Council has put together an updated Domestic Animal Management Plan for cats and dogs that will guide pet ownership activities for the next 10 years.
Whether you’re picnicking with friends, exploring playgrounds with little ones, connecting with nature, improving your fitness or celebrating a special occasion – our Sunshine Coast parks matter to many people for many reasons. The parks plan will be a roadmap and a planning tool that supports council’s commitment to preserving spaces and parks that enhance the natural character of the Sunshine Coast’s environment.
Check out the plans and share your thoughts via the survey on council’s Have Your Say website. Survey closes March 31.
If you have other suggestions, please contact me on 54759810 or maria.suarez@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au
February 11th, 2021
Information Management
Members of the community have called for council to be more “open and transparent” particularly with the way information is classified and handled. Recent changes such as live-streaming council meetings and halving confidential items readily available have made accessibility to information easier for the community. A review will soon be conducted to further improve upon the internal practice of information management to better meet the community’s expectation of information accessibility. The panel will consist of councillors, executive staff and members of the community. I’m looking forward to being a part of this process.
New Planning Scheme
The process to develop a new planning scheme for the region is set to start soon and will play out over a number of years. It’s time to start thinking about what you need to understand to make sure you can make a good quality submission for a new scheme. Issues that are currently raised by the community are excessive site cover, height and density, and the environmental impacts on flood plains, remnant vegetation and lack of green spaces and natural shade. I’ll be keeping you updated on key dates and activities and encouraging you to get involved.
Have your say on the future of waste
Over half of the rubbish in household garbage bins is organic waste like food scraps and lawn clippings and this type of waste creates vast amounts of green-house gas emissions. To reduce these emissions council is seeking community feedback on a proposal to introduce an opt-out third bin for garden waste which could transition to a food organics and garden organics bin service, also known as a FOGO bin.
We want to your feedback before any decision is made so have your say at haveyoursay.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/our-future-wastebefore 5pm, Tuesday March 2, 2021.
If you have other suggestions, please contact me on 5475 9810 or maria.suarez@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au
January 21st, 2021
New year
Hopefully everyone had a chance to connect with their loved ones and had some down time recently. Reflecting on activities from 2020, the number of reports considered in confidential session has decreased markedly and more information is provided as to why entire or parts of reports are confidential. I’ve discussed with my councillor colleagues’ processes around development applications, learned about the environment, Blue Heart project and Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy and reviewed policies and projects.
There is still much to be done and I’ll continue to discuss work on roads and pathways, the new Planning Scheme, consideration of kerbside collection or vouchers, community consultation, public transport options, better outcomes for community groups, community facilities, hard to locate sports, flight path issues, and traffic and parking reviews.
Clean up for the hatchlings
Clean up for the Hatchlings is on Saturday January 30 from 6am at local locations including Coolum, Point Arkwright, Marcoola and North Shore. If you’d like to help clean up our beaches, please register via the ‘What’s On’ page on council’s website.
Nominate a young conservationist
Do you know a young eco-warrior who’s striving for change at their school, protecting native animals or raising awareness about conservation on the Sunshine Coast? Nominate them for the Les Hall Young Conservationist Award at www.sunsinecoast.qld.gov.au/leshallawardss. Nominations are open to under 18’s either as individuals or groups and close February 28.
Register for The Lift Project
Registrations are closing soon for the online wellbeing program called The Lift Project Sunshine Coast, which is free for all local residents. It begins on February 8 and is a popular program. Previous participants say it’s made a positive impact on their life, during a tough year.
Healthy Sunshine Coast
Healthy Sunshine Coast is back from February, offering free and low cost activities in your community that are suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Head to www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/healthysunshinecoast to find out what’s on near you. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me on 5475 9810, maria.suarez@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au or via my Facebook page @MariaSuarezDivision9