Member for Noosa

May 22nd, 2024
OF PARTICULAR concern was the recent passing of legislation giving powers to state government to override local government planning laws with regards to the provision of affordable housing. Even though assurance was provided that the state would work with councils and full community consultation will be undertaken, I have submitted concerns and ask residents to do the same via Yes, we have needed this housing for years, however it must be in line with the expectations of our community, and genuinely affordable to our key industry workers.
Over yummy lamingtons, we celebrated the incredible Marcus Beach Coastal Bushcare team and the work they do for us. From bush regeneration and restoration to working with schools and fundraising, they do it all! With our Noosa MP grant funding, some much-needed IT maintenance on their website has been done so you now have easy access to identifying ‘nasties’ in your own yard, as well as what to plant. Thank you to the committee and all other volunteers, especially our youngsters, you are deeply appreciated. If you would like to get involved, or need information on local plants, weeds and gardening using native plants, visit
Upcoming changes to anchoring and mooring on the Noosa River have been released, with information also available on Noosa 360. We have been assured that any residents in hardship impacted by the transition for greater safety for all users and to the river itself will be provided supports. Thank you to Kell and the Maritime Safety Queensland team for this commitment, and to all residents who have contributed to this very long journey which is nearly complete.
To finish, regarding the Cooloola Great Walk Eco-tourism Project, we expect an announcement in the next month to our request for no commercially built structures in Great Sandy National Park, as well as an amendment to the Nature Conservation Act to remove the possibility of a similar proposal in the future. Both the Minister for Tourism and the Minister for Environment have assured us that they are working in line with our community’s expectations, and we will update as soon as received.
With so much to share and not much space, please stay ’in the loop’ via Noosa 360 with updates on a range of important issues we are working on. In addition, follow ‘Sandy Bolton MP’ on Facebook to receive information as soon as available, and subscribe to our e-newsletter at which also ensures you are advised when Noosa specific surveys are held. Always, if you have any questions or require assistance regarding state-related matters, do not hesitate to contact my office on 53193100.
August 9th, 2023
The draft Shaping SEQ 2023 Update has opened for consultation with a projected permanent population into the future for the Noosa Shire of 76,000 residents which is not feasible nor sustainable. That is 13,000 more than what we can sustainably carry, equivalent to Christmas peak season every day. There are many who have fought so hard for Noosa over the decades, including for deamalgamation, and we need to fight again, for our communities, our environment and our economy. To assist in efforts, we ask everyone to ensure they make a valid submission to State Government after attending the information session, 4pm 29 August at ‘Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church (Noosa District) Parish Hall’ 5 Moorindil St, Tewantin. Registration for this and the draft, as well information on how to have your say through submissions, is available via Noosa 360 at
In response to concerns raised that crime and alcohol fueled violence has escalated in Noosa, we have posted to Noosa 360 data and information. Whilst we have a full complement of officers with 24/7 manned station and patrols, mobile police beat and highway patrols that operate random breath tests and speed enforcement operations, the reality is that they cannot be everywhere at once. Hence, it is important for all of us to be their ‘eyes’ and report any suspicious or bad behaviour immediately in efforts of prevention to 000 (emergencies) or Policelink on 131 444 (non-emergencies) or online at Also don’t forget to lock up your cars and homes as many crimes are opportunistic. We continue to advocate for increased police resourcing throughout Queensland during the State Budget Estimates processes, as well mandatory and relocation sentencing, and at any time there is a change in crime trends in our community, we would immediately seek extra resources as we have done on many occasions which lead to specific responses such as ‘Operation Sandstorm’. Information on policing in Noosa is available at
We have a community survey open until 8 September on the proposed Cooloola Great Walk Eco Project, which has created some confusion, and I ask that you take a minute, or more, to respond, as well share with your neighbours and friends as it is so important to have everyone’s voices heard! The survey is available at
With so much time between columns and much to share, please stay ’in the loop’ via Noosa 360 with updates on a range of important issues we are working on, and subscribe to our e-newsletter at which ensures you also advised of any Noosa MP specific polls or surveys. In addition, follow ‘Sandy Bolton MP’ on Facebook to receive information as soon as available including the Friday ‘Wrap’ with news and grant information! Always, if you have any questions or require assistance regarding state related matters, please do not hesitate to contact my office at 5319 3100 or email
July 12th, 2023
With the State Budget released, for the Noosa electorate specifically, we had joy, as well a disappointment in the non-allocation for the expansion of the Advanced Manufacturing Hub at Sunshine Beach State High School. All items including those already announced or in process we have posted to Noosa 360 (, along with a copy of my speech which contains Noosa specifics and for broader Queensland which we shall be querying during the Budget Estimates Hearings. This includes why with a $12b surplus, more is not being put into our housing crisis, youth crime and for our small to medium businesses who continue to experience ongoing hardships from lack of staff, increased rentals, inflations and interest rates.
On the Unitywater front, a reminder for our businesses that the new pricing structure for wastewater has now come into effect, and as part of a staged approach, the first bill includes 50% of the increases. Should any of our small businesses in the Tier 1 category be impacted adversely, please email us on so we can raise this with the Minister for Small Business to further efforts to see impacts mitigated as even though matters relating to Unitywater do not come under the jurisdiction of State Government, we can advocate for other forms of relief for our small operators. Regarding Burgess Creek, Noosa Council and Unity Water are working together on this as readings degrade as released water moves past contributors such as households and roads, and we look forward to the findings with further information posted to Noosa 360, simply search ‘Unitywater’.
It was an absolute pleasure to catch up with so many residents and businesses on our Eastern Beaches Road Trip, aka ‘Moby’ from Sunshine to Peregian Beach, with Sunrise and Marcus in between! We welcomed ‘newbies’ Peter and Dan of ‘O-Ren’, as well as ultimately failing to resist in some retail therapy! To finish the day, we updated Peregian Family & Friends members on State matters, as well as those outside our realm however of interest including Burgess Creek and flight paths. With representatives from Bonza and Sunshine Coast Airport also giving updates, it was a very informative evening. Thank you to everyone who made this ‘moby’ so special.
The Sunshine Beach Surf Club Awards was spectacular in ‘Coachella’ style, as was the fabulous Ross Bartlett who has just received an AM for his lifelong dedication to surf lifesaving. Congratulations to all members of our surf lifesaving clubs on the work you do to keep us safe.
With so much time between columns and much to share, please stay ’in the loop’ via Noosa 360 with updates on a range of important issues we are working on, and subscribe to our e-newsletter at which ensures you also advised of any Noosa MP specific polls or surveys. In addition, follow ‘Sandy Bolton MP’ on Facebook to receive information as soon as available including the Friday ‘Wrap’ with news and grant information! Always, if you have any questions or require assistance regarding state-related matters, please do not hesitate to contact my office at 5319 3100 or email
June 14th, 2023
So much love and appreciation were generated at our Noosa MP Queensland Day Awards Ceremony where over 120 residents gathered to honour 51 deserving and incredible Noosans who give, free of charge, their skills, time and expertise to us. This from a broad range of community sectors including emergency services, sports, environment, animal welfare, heritage, culture and so much more! Thank you to Noosa Today and Cooroy RSL for making the night possible, to St Teresa’s Catholic College’s band for the awesome performance, Richard Hansen MC and to all attendees. To find out more about our award recipients as well as individual photos, please head Noosa 360 at
Thank you to residents who participated in the Clothing Optional Beaches Survey, which saw over 84% responses in support of Queensland joining other states in providing. As an Independent MP I strive to represent all of our electorate’s diverse viewpoints, and direct feedback is greatly valued to help inform advocacy as we don’t ascribe to the views or ideology of a particular political party, nor my own! The results are now available on our website via Noosa 360 (
Our diverse Queensland Crossbench, consisting of the Katter Party, One Nation, the Greens and this Independent, united for the first time this Parliament term over ongoing concerns regarding the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games. As requested, the government must be upfront about the social and economic costs and ensure all decision-making is open and transparent, with funding and outcomes equitable for all of Queensland, not just South- East Queensland. The hosting of the Olympics has brought excitement and opportunities to so many, however as I said at the signing, we must get the basics right including to ensure there are no further impacts to our already devastating housing and rental situation, as has occurred following previous games documented in the QShelter research. Currently, we have had no responses to our requests for clarity regarding what will be done to ensure that identified impacts are mitigated, and until such time, every Queenslander should remain genuinely concerned. Nine years may seem a long way away, however, it is not when the Queensland Council of Social Service paper highlighted the need for 11,000 social and affordable homes each year for the next 10 years, with only a portion of this amount committed to by governments.
We will be doing a Mobile Office ‘Moby’ in our fabulous Eastern Beaches on Monday 19 June, holding one-on-one appointments for Noosa Electorate residents in Sunshine (1.30 to 2.30pm) and Peregian Beach (3.30 to 4.30pm). Bookings are essential on 5319 3100. Following these appointments, we will be dropping into businesses at Sunshine, Sunrise, Marcus, and Peregian Beach, ending with an MP update at the Peregian Friends and Family AGM.
With so much time between columns and so much to share, please stay ’in the loop’ via Noosa 360 with updates on a range of important issues we are working on. In addition, follow ‘Sandy Bolton MP’ on Facebook to receive information as soon as available including the Friday ‘Wrap’ with news and grant information, and don’t forget to subscribe to our e-newsletter at Always, if you have any questions or require assistance regarding state related matters, please do not hesitate to contact my office at 5319 3100 or email
We look forward to seeing you all shortly!
May 17th, 2023
After the latest disgraceful incident in Maryborough, Queenslanders understandably have had enough when it comes to repeat youth offenders, including our police. If you haven’t read my speech on the latest measures passed by government, you can do so at As 1 of only 5 MPs who voted in favour of an amendment in Parliament to see mandatory 1 year sentencing for recidivist youth offenders convicted of stealing more than two cars, I am equally frustrated, especially with the ongoing lack of support for remote relocation or diversion sentencing.
On the Homefront, as shared via Facebook and sent to our Newsletter subscribers, we are seeking views of Noosa Electorate residents via a survey on Clothing Optional Beaches which has the following 2 questions as well space to make comments:
1. Would you support Queensland laws changing to allow for legalised clothing optional beaches?
2. If yes, would you support Alexandria Bay at Noosa National Park, as a legalised clothing optional beach in Queensland?
Survey Closes 24 May with further information at
The consultation period for the Air Service’s Post Implementation Review of flight paths has now been completed. Even though in the Federal Government realm, we have prepared a Noosa 360 ( summary with points relevant to our community.
Being in the ‘Hot Seat’ alongside Mayor Clare with St Thomas More Primary School Sunshine Beach year 6 students is always an annual favourite! Questions included around the Voice to Parliament, the pros, and cons of being a Mayor and MP, all the way to what our first jobs were! Thank you to all for a wonderful session, you make our world!
Finally, it is that time of the year where we get to acknowledge our brilliant volunteers and businesses who provide their services free of charge for our community via the 2023 Noosa Electorate Queensland Day Awards which are now OPEN! So, for all organisations, please get your nominations in (2 per organisation) by jumping online at, or for hard copy application, please drop in or call our office on 53193100. Nominations close 21 May 2023 so get those in quick!
With so much time between columns and so much to share, please stay ’in the loop’ via Noosa 360 with updates on a range of important issues we are working on. In addition, follow ‘Sandy Bolton MP’ on Facebook to receive information as soon as available including the Friday ‘Wrap’ with news and grant information, and don’t forget to subscribe to our e-newsletter at Always, if you have any questions or require assistance regarding state related matters, please do not hesitate to contact my office at 5319 3100 or email
Until next month.
April 19th, 2023
There is so much to share this month from Parliament and here at home, including updates on the Cooloola Great Walk and Teewah airstrip, and much, much more!
Firstly, we trust everyone had a wonderful Easter, and given the volume of visitors, happily, there were relatively low numbers of non-compliance. Thank you to our police, Council, and QPWS teams, as well as residents and visitors who, for the most part, respected our community and each other. However, for those who left more than their footprints, including rubbish and dirty nappies on our beaches, Shoey and I, along with others, collected them from where they were left. Shame on you!
In Parliament, I made a Private Members Statement regarding our ongoing efforts to improve committee processes, ‘our de facto upper house’, to address both old and new failings to get the best outcomes for our communities. My Legal Affairs and Safety Committee has been tasked with reviewing support for victims of crime, which is an enormous body of work, and with us already working on three inquiries, the eight weeks given do not do justice to victims and their families. After unsuccessfully seeking leave for this to be debated in Chamber and writing to the Committee Legislative Assembly, I am more determined than ever to get this review of our systems done and await the response to my latest requests! My speeches on this and all other bills before Parliament are available at
The Department of Environment and Science (DES) is seeking feedback from our community until 12 May on the future of the Teewah Airstrip, which has been utilised by community including for evacuations during fires. Option one is to transfer the current Landing Reserve wholly to National Park tenure, and option two is to transfer part of the Landing Reserve lot to National Park tenure and retain the cleared landing area (approximately 10%) as Landing Ground Reserve or some other form of appropriate tenure for community use. We have further information on our Facebook post available at,with a Noosa 360 update to be posted soon.
The Kabi Kabi Registered Native Title Claimants have provided responses to questions asked of our office following a women’s gathering at Poona Lake. We have posted the answers in full to Noosa 360 ( Simply search ‘Cooloola Great Walk’ for our latest updates regarding.
This year, after stops at Kin Kin, Cooroy, Cootharaba & Tewantin, our next Mobile Office ‘Moby’ will be in Peregian, so keep an eye out for details on Facebook/ LinkedIn for those wanting to book a ‘one-on-one’ appointment. In the meantime, if you have any questions or require assistance regarding state-related matters, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 5319 3100 or email
As always, please stay ‘in the loop’ via Noosa 360, as there is always so much happening between columns. In addition, follow ‘Sandy Bolton MP’ on Facebook to receive updates as soon as they are available, especially our regular ‘weekly wrap’ with the news from the week, and subscribe to our e-newsletter (
With Anzac Day approaching, my heart overflows with gratitude and reverence for the brave men and women who have served our country and am always honoured to join our current and former service members, and their families, at the Cooroy & Tewantin services to pay tribute to their selflessness and sacrifice. Lest we Forget.
Until next month.
March 22nd, 2023
As I write from a busy week in Parliament, a reminder that you can view Parliament live anytime via, and my speeches are shared to our website at, outlining the rationale on how Noosa’s vote is utilized! This includes the Strengthening Community Safety Bill in endeavours to reduce youth crime, and I think my speech said it all?
In an Adjournment speech, I utilised the 3 minutes to share recent concerns regarding some conflict between First Nations people in relation to the Cooloola Great Walk and have requested that any final approvals on this project not be issued until this has been resolved. Bringing Kabi Kabi back to their country should not be negatively accompanied by what appears to be questions on Native Title and other processes, and as part of ‘truth telling’ that is essential on the Path to Treaty, these questions must be addressed.
The Teewah Cooloola Working Group met last Friday to view proposed changes from the Department of Environment and Science to address the issues that have been impacting this area. After 4 years of hard advocacy to get to the ‘pointy end’, we look forward to sharing what will be implemented immediately, and those that will take longer through legislative change. With Easter coming up and secured extra resources, spread the word that there is a zero tolerance approach to anyone doing wrong by our community whether speeding, driving on dunes, hooning or any other unacceptable behaviour.
The new land valuations for the Noosa electorate have been released, and it is not good news for many already having financial difficulties with many households seeing, as a result, an increase in their rates. We have posted to 360 further information, as well details if you require a review of your property.
Airservices Australia has advised that they have extended the deadline for submissions for the Sunshine Coast Airport Post Implementation Review (PIR) draft report, until 26 March. Further information on these and many other local matters is regularly posted to Noosa 360 (, so please visit and use the handy search bar for your topic.
On a lighter front, it was wonderful to speak at the opening of the Indigenous Yarning Circle at Sunshine Beach State High School, which is another step of greater inclusivity and understanding, hence the name Wan’din’y which means ‘Gathered Together’.
Gratitude to all Noosans who completed our annual MP Survey, which brought forward some changes in ‘community think’. Decriminalisation of cannabis and the reduction of commercial fishing licenses saw a decline in percentages, whilst a consistent majority of nearly 80% seek an end to political parties and MPs data harvesting from postal vote applications to campaign via text, email and ‘robo calls’. The full results and analysis were published at under the ‘Connect Tab’.
With thunderstorms and weather events continuing, resources and information to assist in preparing for natural disasters are available In addition, keep Noosa Council’s Disaster Dashboard handy which has emergency warnings and flood updates at Always remember, if its flooded, forget it.
With so much happening between columns, please stay ’in the loop’ via Noosa 360. In addition, follow ‘Sandy Bolton MP’ on Facebook to receive updates as soon as available, especially our regular ‘weekly wrap’ with the news from the week, and by subscribing to our e-newsletter. Always, if you have any questions or require assistance regarding state-related matters, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 5319 3100 or email
January 25th, 2023
A massive ‘Happy New Year’ to all and I trust you have had some lovely time with friends or family over the Christmas break. Gratitude to so many including Making Lives Matter and Noosa Chef Tony Crossin, who co-hosted a community lunch with me on Christmas Day which was magic. Thank you to all who volunteered and shared this day including furry friends, and to the Salvation Army who donated not only the venue, but lots of goodies!
We did have challenges, including managing the volume of visitors. Following four years of advocacy regarding sustainable visitor numbers to Cooloola, we are expecting proposed changes to be released mid-February for community feedback, so keep your eyes out for that. We will also update on what will be implemented to mitigate appalling behaviour experienced on New Year’s Eve after my meeting with Noosa Council and newly appointed Senior Sergeant Anthony Cowan this week.
Youth crime has been headlined in many areas of Queensland, with changes to be debated in Parliament shortly. Queenslanders deserve to feel safe in their homes, at work and on our streets, and the biggest question for MPs to consider, is whether proposed changes will be ‘enough’. The devil is in the detail, and we look forward to the Bill being introduced to see what is proposed.
Having participated in public hearings relating to youth recidivism in areas such as Mt Isa, Townsville and the Gold Coast in 2021, I have posted a summary, including findings from those hearings, at
There is much each of us can do to create greater safety in our community and deter those who are looking for ‘easy pickings’. Firstly, lock up your car and house, even when home, and keep valuables out of sight. Stay alert for any suspicious behaviours, and report to police, whether during station opening hours or not, as there are always police on duty. For emergencies dial 000, if non-urgent report via Police link website or call 131 444. Neighbourhood Watch groups provide a vital link between police and community, and if there is not one in your area you can join, consider whether it’s time to start one.
For Noosa Electorate residents, a reminder to complete the annual Noosa MP survey. With resident feedback vitally important, we have extended the deadline to 30th January. You can find the online survey at under the ‘Connect’ tab and please call our office on 5319 3100 for assistance or to obtain a printed version if needed.
With so much time between columns and so much to share, please stay ’in the loop’ via Noosa 360 with updates on a range of important issues including crime, Cooloola, Noosa River, State controlled roads and more. In addition, follow ‘Sandy Bolton MP’ on Facebook to receive updates as soon as available, especially our regular Friday night update with the news from the week, and by subscribing to our e-newsletter. Always, if you have any questions or require assistance regarding state related matters, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 5319 3100 or email
Until next month, consider how you can be the change you wish to see in your community as it does take a village.
December 21st, 2022
Happy Holiday season everyone! So many festive events, with much joy visiting our matriarchs and patriarchs in residential care at their Christmas parties and markets. As always, their wisdom from their experiences, and learnt over the course of their lifetime, is deeply appreciated in navigating some ongoing challenges.
While Parliament may be finished for the year, my committee will be working through the Christmas period due to the number of inquiries underway. To find out more about Parliamentary inquiries, including those currently open for public submissions, please visit
There are several state government consultations underway important to our community, including speed and anchoring on the Noosa River, and the mandating of lifejackets. These consultations are hard fought for to allow our residents to have their direct say, so please head to as social media comments might make for interesting reading however they don’t reach the people who really need to hear!
Our Noosa MP Annual Community Survey is also open and vitally important to help us prepare priorities for the coming year! For those who reside in the Noosa electorate, please take 5 minutes and have your say at, under the ‘Connect’ tab. If you require a paper copy, do not hesitate to contact our office on 5319 3100.
Noosa 360, known as our ‘knowledge bank’, in the same location on our website, has updates on many issues concerning our community such as the QLD Housing Summit outcomes, Cooloola Great Walk and much more! Just browse through or use the search tool if you’re looking for specific information.
A reminder that we are now in storm season, so please make sure you have prepared ahead so you can concentrate on having a wonderful festive season! Important information to assist can be found at and
To ensure my staff get a well-earned break, our office will be closed from 1.30pm on 16 December and reopening at 9am on 3 January 2023. If you require assistance on state government matters, please contact our office at 5319 3100 or email and we will respond to messages as soon as possible on our return. For emergencies, head to where handy numbers for all situations are available, including for those experiencing vulnerability or require housing assistance.
To everyone in our incredible communities, may Santa deliver all you have asked for including the simplicity of enjoying our beautiful home with loved ones during the break. Whether on the roads, in our river or wandering through our Noosa countryside, keep yourself and others safe, as well ‘slip, slop, slap’, and share a little of the Christmas spirit with those around you who may need some extra cheer at this time of the year.
Most of all, enjoy. See you in 2023 if not before!
December 7th, 2022
It has been fantastic to see the fruits of our ‘Seeds of Change’ Program, via many catchups with funding recipients including Ken and Uncle Tais from Goorijala, with a water tank in, edible bush tukka planted and a gathering pit for storytelling.
Celebrating 40 years of serving our youngest Noosans is the Peregian Community Kindergarten, and it was a joy to see everyone gather in song, dance, and many fun activities, as well as traditional homemade fare including real lemonade!
The Sunshine Coast Airport Post Implementation Review (PIR) draft report is currently being prepared with an upcoming four-week period for public comment. For those wishing to give feedback, please ensure you’re subscribed to the PIR project page to receive notifications as soon as information is released.
On the community as well as Parliamentary front there is much to relay, so please head to either our Sandy Bolton MP Facebook page or to where all speeches I deliver are listed, as well where you can also subscribe to the monthly newsletter. To have your say on upcoming pieces of legislation, head to to subscribe to different committees to stay up to date and informed. Submissions are now open at, under the Work of the Committee’s tab covering the Liquid Fuel Supply Amendment Bill and will close at 4pm on 3 February.
With the weather definitely warming up, it is time to plan ahead for storms and all natural disasters at
As we make our Christmas preparations, please support our local businesses as they support us in so many ways, contributing to the ‘circular’ economy we need as part of our sustainability. The festive season can be a wonderful time, as well as intensely lonely for many and we shall be posting up on Facebook where special Christmas Day luncheons will be held. For crisis support, please call Lifeline 13 11 14, with all other numbers available at
To ensure my staff get a well-earnt break, our office will be closed from Mon 19th December until 2nd January 2023. If you require assistance on state government matters, please contact our office at 5319 3100 or email before then, otherwise, we will contact you as soon as we return.
Have a wonderful holiday season, and I look forward to seeing you all out and about enjoying our beautiful home.
November 9th, 2022
IT WAS an honour to attend the Peregian Beach Community Kindergarten’s 40th Anniversary, a magical not-for-profit that started back in 1976 by playgroup parents. A big thank you to all for the incredible work you all do with our youngest Noosans, including Carmel Desjardins, teacher, and director, who has been at the Kindy since 1988!
Even though I could not attend the official opening of the new Peregian Beach Community House due to being in Parliament, my ‘head on a stick’ was thrilled to see the end result of a long journey that started back when I was a Councillor, attending those sessions where residents drafted their visions. Congratulations everyone, you did it!!
The Sunshine Coast Airport Post Implementation Review (PIR) draft report is currently being prepared with an upcoming four-week period for public comment. For those wishing to give feedback, please ensure you’re subscribed to the PIR project page to receive notifications as soon as information is released.
A ‘heads up’ that the Peregian Beach Post Office is moving to the Peregian Springs Shopping Centre on the weekend of November 12-13, which includes post boxes. For anyone who normally utilised the post office for bill paying and has difficulty with transport, a reminder that you can ring Australia Post on 13 18 16 to pay your bills 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
In amongst so much funding being awarded to our community in the latest round of Community Benefit Grants, it is important to start getting applications ready for the next Super Round of up to $100k, opening mid-January.
Although the sun has come out and is being enjoyed by us all, remember to plan ahead for storms and all natural disasters at
With so much always happening in Parliament, more information on proposed legislation changes and committee inquiries is available at, with my speeches, Questions On and Without Notice, available at, under the parliament tab.
Having attended the recent QLD Housing Summit, a full summary on this, and many other local matters, are available at, where you can also subscribe to our monthly newsletter to keep up to date. A reminder to keep an eye out for our annual Connect including MP Community Survey where you can help determine our priorities for 2023, which will be delivered by mail in early December.
A reminder, with the lead up to Christmas, to please support our local businesses, and keep an eye out for those who may be in hardship by assisting a neighbour, our local charities, or those you meet on the street.
Enjoy the last month of Spring, and I look forward to seeing you out and about enjoying our beautiful home.
September 28th, 2022
THE BEAUTIFUL spring weather has been a delightful backdrop to three intense Parliamentary sittings, travel with my Legal Affairs and Safety Committee to regional communities as part of public hearings for the Blue Card inquiry, and many community meetings. These included with Seeds of Change recipients to see and hear of the projects that have been made possible through this funding from a walking and cycling safe routes project, a portal for a pilot to connect residents with spare rooms to residents seeking rooms; to Goorijalla, our first indigenous learning hub; among just a few!
A wonderful moment after many years of advocacy was testing the new Beckmans/Cooroy Noosa roundabout which is nearing completion thanks to Transport and Main Roads and Noosa Council teams. Unfortunately, no time to celebrate, as I need to continue chasing the funding for the remaining stages, with the business case for this expected before the end of the year.
A touching event was at the naming of Tricia’s Way, where a truly loving gathering of neighbours, family and friends who benefitted from being in the awesome ‘globe’ that radiated from the extremely amazing Tricia Bradford. Gratitude to everyone in attendance who shared with us her love of the beach and the differences she made in our lives and community.
As guest speaker at Noosa Parks Friday Forum alongside Steve Price from Department of Environmental Services, Col Lawton from Queensland Parks and Wildlife and Inspector Jon Lewis from Queensland Police Service, we spoke on the progress with the issues on the North Shore and Teewah, as well as work required once the Sustainability Plan is released.
There is so much happening in many realms, including consultation into Bills. One example is the Residential Tenancies Rooming Accommodation (Rent Freeze) Amendment Bill 2022. To have your say into the Greens’ proposed two-year freeze on residential rents in QLD, whether as a landlord or tenant, please submit your views by 5pm October 31. More information is available at
As always, too little room here to fit everything in, so for all other news head to our Facebook page, as well as Noosa 360 and our monthly newsletter, which you can find at Links to all consultations, as well my recent Questions with and without Notice, and speeches, as also available there! If you have any questions regarding state-related matters, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 5319 3100 or email
Blessings to all and enjoy the beginnings of spring!
August 17th, 2022
COLD mornings and sunny days have provided a perfect backdrop for recent community events, and I have been thrilled to attend so many between Budget Estimates Hearings and endless meetings! From the Tewantin Noosa Red Cross AGM celebrating all they do for our community to the Pet Expo raising funds for PTSD Dogs, and a record-breaking citizenship ceremony with 86 new Aussies (Noosans!!) and every letter of the alphabet represented by a country, that is just a tiny sample!
Congratulations to the 23 Noosa electorate businesses who received Business Basics funding of $5000 each, and to all our organisations who received funding under round 113 of the Community Benefit Fund. This has enabled varied projects for our community including the upgrading of kitchens to repairing flooring, as well as equipment for sporting groups and wildlife rescuers.
Housing continues to be an issue, and as I have reported, it was disappointing that there was insufficient provision in the extra funds in the Budget to quickly address the volume across QLD. With worker accommodation projects at application stage, the reality is we may still have at least two years before the current crisis impacting our community eases, however you may be able to help. How? We put the call out last year for property owners to ‘head lease’ with our community housing providers, such as Coast2Bay and Purpose Real Estate at Tewantin, and the Help to Home initiative is open until October 31 which provides incentives to private investors to sign up with a guaranteed rental income for two years, paid three months in advance, and then every quarter subject to the terms of the lease. Expressions of Interest (EOIs) are available at We have also committed funds for an expansion of the ‘Better Together’ share house program, so if you have thought about renting out your spare room or rooms, this could be for you! More information will be available shortly.
For our community organisations, have your say on amendments to Incorporated Associations and Charities Regulation with submissions closing on 12 September. For more information on this and other consultations go to
As always, too little room here so to catch up on all other news head to our Facebook page, as well Noosa 360 and our monthly newsletter, which you can find at If you have any questions regarding state related matters, please don’t hesitate to contact our office at 5319 3100 or email
June 29th, 2022
THIS MONTH we said hello to an old friend – the sun!! I hope you have all been soaking up the Vitamin D (with sunscreen and hat!) and sensational sunsets while they are available to us?
The sunshine radiated into a month of joyful occasions! At our annual Noosa Qld Day Awards, we recognised those Noosans who go above and beyond, giving back to our community through their selfless volunteerism. Always such a special night, with 39 recipients acknowledged, all of whom I finally got to congratulate with a hug after two years of COVID-19 restrictions. Thank you once again to all our incredible residents who do so much for our community, and to Cooroy RSL who has become a sponsor of this important annual event.
We were also excited to notify our not-for-profit organisations who were successful in their applications for our Seeds for Change grants. There is a number of ‘changemaking’ projects, including our first indigenous learning centre, wildlife signage and a share house program. To see the list of successful applicants and their initiatives, head to my Facebook page
The clean-up of the polystyrene from the floods is going to be an ongoing issue and the vacuum deployed by Noosa Council has been busy at work trying to rectify this pollution. Next month, Council will be hosting a round table to discuss this and future measures, alongside Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) and the Department of Environment and Science (DES), and we will update to our 360 the key outcomes.
The CSIRO has just released a research paper on the dioxin testing of Noosa River, which was in response to our three years of advocacy. The paper indicated that there is a strong correlation between our dioxins which have a unique ‘signature’ and the amount of kaolinitic clay in the sediment samples. If you are interested in reading, please head to 360 at
At the time of writing, I am continuing to dissect the QLD 22-23 budget, which I have posted a summary of to 360 at Among the good news, was that our advocacies since 2019 regarding the outdated School Transport Assistance Subsidy (STAS), will be rectified by an injection of $18m, to include students from shared care families.
As always, please keep up to date via our Facebook page, as well as via our monthly newsletter, which you can subscribe to via my website If you have any questions regarding state-related matters, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 5319 3100 or email
Blessings to all, and enjoy the remainder of our ‘chilly’ months!
May 25th, 2022
THIS month we experienced yet another flooding event – the sixth in Queensland since December, putting further strains and delays to repairing damage from February, and reports of very unwelcomed widespread mould. Thank you to everyone who again stepped up and supported friends, family and neighbours, and to our emergency services teams and volunteers who work tirelessly to keep us safe.
Peregian Beach Surf Lifesaving Club has now secured a 10-year lease of the clubhouse, and with the ongoing assistance of Noosa Heads Surf Lifesaving Club members and the community, we look forward to working together for the needed improvements to the building and looking towards a bright future as a hub for all.
The ongoing housing crisis continues to impact our workers, their families and Noosa businesses, with ‘call outs’ to anyone that has a granny flat or investment property to ‘head lease’ with our community housing providers. Our Housing Action Group members are now transitioning into the newly formed Noosa Housing Round Table (as part of Noosa Council’s upcoming ‘Housing Strategy’), and we look forward to seeing the actions that will come from it. For the latest housing updates, please head to Noosa 360 –
With COVID-19 continuing to impact all, including my own staff this month at different times, and with winter and the flu season fast approaching, it is important to keep sanitizing and social distancing where possible to reduce the spread. Second boosters are now available for people aged over 65 and those in high-risk categories. If you are eligible, please head to to book yourself in!
Our Mobile Offices (or ‘Moby’ as we lovingly call them) are always fabulous and packed full of drop-ins to businesses and chats to residents who cannot ordinarily make the journey into our office. We will be heading to Peregian Village and their markets on August 21 from 8:15 am. If you would like to book in, please contact the office on 5319 3100 or email us at
A reminder that Our ‘Seeds for Change’ grants are open until May 31, 2022. These are for innovative ideas that can benefit the Noosa electorate! There are $500 grants available for small initiatives and seed funding of $10,000 for one large-scale, collaborative project. For more information and to apply, please visit
And another reminder – if you haven’t already, please take the opportunity to prepare your emergency action plan to ensure you are ready for any disaster via Being prepared should be a ‘norm’ in our households, as we will all find it much less stressful to have that evacuation kit handy as opposed to chasing sandbags, as I needed to once again!
May the cooler months give our frontline teams a much-needed break, and time for our community to ‘dry out’!
April 27th, 2022
WITH the increased relaxations, ‘mostly’ beautiful weather, and improved behaviours from police reports, I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter break! Like many affected by the recent floods, I utilised the time with the assistance of my moon boot to continue the recovery clean up at home and to indulge in a couple of board games and more than a couple of chocolates!
It was wonderful to finally welcome the life-changing Mobi-Mat to Noosa Main Beach after such a long journey. This accessibility mat stretches from the Surf Life Saving Club to near the water’s edge, ensuring that EVERYONE can now enjoy what so many take for granted. Thank you to co-collaborators including Noosa Council and Cr Amelia Lorentson, Noosa SLSC, Noosa Lions Club, Seahorse Nippers, the Mawby’s and a special thank you to Libby Doherty and her daughter Daisy who never lost faith that a dream could become reality.
As part of our ongoing efforts to create more of these collaborations, we are encouraging not-for-profit organisations to submit expressions of interest to our next $10,000 Major Seeds for Change Program, to kick start an innovative project that will benefit the entire community by addressing an unacknowledged issue in our electorate. For more information and to apply, please visit Applications close 5pm May 31, 2022.
The next round of the Queensland Government’s Business Basics grants will open on May 4, 2022, with up to $5,000 available for small businesses to seek expert advice to upgrade their capability. Guidelines have been made available via the following link: This round will close when sufficient applications have been received for competitive assessment.
Throughout the last year and beyond, there are so many to acknowledge for their incredible efforts for our community. A wonderful way to thank them is by nominating them for a Noosa QLD Day Award. To do so, head to Nominations close May 15, 2022, so please get start contacting any not-for-profit organisations that deserve the recognition.
As always, to stay updated on so much, visit Noosa 360 at, where we post about local issues, as well subscribe to our newsletter, or join us on Facebook. For any queries or assistance, email our office at or phone 5319 3100.
March 23rd, 2022
ALTHOUGH we are somewhat used to extreme weather events, our recent floods were particularly severe and swift. Over three days, Queensland and NSW experienced equivalent rainfall to what London receives in a year, with our communities across the electorate severely impacted. During our recovery, our thoughts are very much with all impacted, and I can personally relate to the exhausting cleanups being faced by many which can take months. A summary of all available assistance can be found at
During every disaster, there are always our many heroes who work tirelessly in multiple realms from our first responders to the volunteers and residents who sandbagged, rescued, hauled out furniture, housed and fed those impacted, whilst coordinating, communicating, and urgently repairing! To our Local Disaster Management Group team, including Noosa Council, police, fire, SES, ambulance, rural fire brigades and many others, as well local organisations and individual efforts, on behalf of our entire community, our deepest gratitude for all that you do for us and how you do it.
With pontoons from Brisbane River and elsewhere landing on our beaches, the devastation from these vessels, along with the vast volume of polystyrene pieces in our ocean, cannot be underestimated. Although Maritime Safety Queensland, local councils, community groups and residents have started the clean-up process, it may take months for missing pontoons to come ashore, hence the cleanup will need to continue. Please whenever you are heading to the beach, take a rubbish bag or grab one that Council has provided, to grab any remnants and dispose of. A huge thank you to all involved who have already contributed to this mammoth task and let this be a reminder to continue our efforts to reduce plastics and contributors to large scale environmental impacts such as microplastics.
Housing opportunities remain critically low in our region and are further impacted by those displaced by the floods, so please reach out to the Housing Service Centre in Maroochydore if you or others you know require assistance.
A reminder that the Community Benefit Fund Super Round offering grants of up to $100,000, is open until March 31, so get those applications in!
And as always following, on from our Cooroibah, North Shore and Peregian bushfires and now these floods, please be prepared by ensuring you have your disaster plan ready, with information available at! Please do not forget in your preparations to have necessities for either emergency evacuations or being isolated for up to five days including medications, as again during these last weeks this proved to be an overriding problem for residents and our first responders.
To keep updated on the latest, head to Noosa 360 at, subscribe to our monthly newsletter and join us on Facebook. As always, do not hesitate to contact our office via or 5319 3100.
February 23rd, 2022
With the Omicron wave having reached its peak resulting in relaxation of some restrictions with more to come in coming weeks, it is still important to stay vigilant, as Covid is now part of our lives, with future waves and variants probable. However, as we have seen, changes to projections occur rapidly! In your Covid ‘toolkit’, handwashing, distancing and masks are recommended standards even when not mandated, and ATAGI recommends boosters to increase protection with Novavax vaccinations are available now.
My Parliamentary portfolio Committee, Legal Affairs and Safety has just completed the inquiry into serious vilification and hate crimes in QLD with the report available on Parliament’s website. It is shocking what has and is being perpetrated to our fellow human beings across communities and online. Contributing is a lack of understanding and empathy around differing cultures, beliefs, perspectives, and situations. Whilst we have an amazing and supportive community, I have seen creeping in during COVID, a lack of empathy on a range of matters. For our community to prosper, we all need to be prepared to listen and learn. Empathy for others with opposing viewpoints does not weaken you or your beliefs and has enormous benefits including decreasing divisions whether in your family or community! It is also one of the most important social contracts we can have with each other. Consider are you a contributor, bystander or changemaker when it comes to vilification?
Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) is seeking your thoughts on a proposal to permanently reduce the speed limit from the Thomas Street boat ramp to the Noosa River mouth to six knots. Information and links to provide a submission are available at Noosa 360.
Congratulations to Community Benefit Fund Round 112 grant recipients including Noosa Bridge Club who will have facility upgrades and NICA/Friends of Kinaba who will have a boat, trailer and accessories to keep doing their fabulous work! The next round of the Community Benefit Fund Round is now open and closes on March 31. Unlike other rounds that have grants of up to $35,000 on offer, this ‘super round’ is providing grants of up to $100,000 to go towards projects that benefit local communities across the State. Go to for more guidelines and information.
To keep updated on the latest, head to Noosa 360 at, subscribe to our monthly newsletter and join us on Facebook. As always, do not hesitate to contact our office via or 5319 3100.
Until next time, keep supporting our businesses and each other and increasing that invaluable empathy that is key to getting through those differences of opinion, and our most difficult of times.
January 26th, 2022
Welcome to 2022! A new year brings changes and new focus. With government no longer focussing on where a person has come from, but rather restrictions within QLD to minimise risk, requires an adjustment in how we think and behave. With less focus on contact tracing and exposure site listings as risk is now in every space, our role is to minimise catching and sharing as best we can.
Over the Christmas period, government decisions and preparations for the arrival of COVID-19 created untenable situations that I had raised last year in Parliament, including questions to the Premier regarding stocks of Rapid Antigen Tests in September, as well personally contacting our testing sites to ensure coverage for incoming visitors. However, no one predicted the speed at which Omicron spread, and that testers with heatstroke would lead to site closures. We were left to resolve each new issue on an hourly basis, and I thank all who took my calls even on Christmas Day to clarify confusing announcements or to access extra resources. Much can be learnt, and we ask all levels of government and commentators to move beyond the ‘blame game’ into the solid logistics needed in managing this virus including grassroots recommendations we have submitted.
With COVID-19 now firmly amongst our communities, as advised many times, hand washing, sanitising, masks, distancing, boosters, fitness, and testing will assist us through this ‘wave’ and those to follow. Whilst there is much commentary that borders should not have been opened at this time, Federal and State government-stipulated reopening at a vaccination percentage to enable all Queenslanders time to access vaccinations. It is now time to focus on the reality that was shared recently that ‘herd immunity’ may not be possible, and there may be a couple of years ahead living with this bug and its variants.
COVID-19 information, including links to testing and vaccination clinics, can be found at with regular updates to Sandy Bolton MP Facebook page, Noosa 360, and via our newsletter.
We welcome our police home from the borders to assist with our local issues and thank all frontliners who continue to work above and beyond during this time and ask everyone to assist them by not jamming phone lines or emergency departments with minor symptoms.
In amongst the multiple advocacies over this period has been with the Premier and our Small Business Ombudsman to seek long term relief from National Cabinet for our businesses who have suffered incredibly through staff losses leading to closures and became ineligible for federal support once we hit 80 per cent double vaccination status.
Stay well and don’t forget those New Year’s resolutions! Including expressing gratitude for where we live and whom we live amongst. Stay united and focused as we continue our long journey with that unwanted ‘visitor’, COVID-19.
December 22nd, 2021
An incredibly busy time over the last month, between the last sittings of Parliament, annual general meetings, school graduations, peaceful protests and community Christmas parties, there was also the need to fit in end of year roundtables and updates.
Updates on a vast range of issues are shared via Use the search bar to look for a topic, with recent updates including the Housing Action Group and COVID-19 FAQ updates.
With borders now open there has been jubilation as well as trepidation, as we move into a holiday season that we hope will remain relatively COVID free. This can only be achieved with your assistance.
Regardless of vaccination status, it is up to all of us individually to keep ourselves safe. That includes the regime of handwashing, distancing, masks and check-in via the app! As well staying home if unwell and getting tested.
With our business struggling to find staff or accommodation for them, if you are looking for work or have a room to rent, please head to
As our office will be closed from December 24 to January 10, important links and contact numbers including testing clinic locations are available at so please keep this handy!
Wishing everyone a happy, safe and kind holiday season from myself and my fabulous team both two and four-legged! A heartfelt thank you for your support and assistance throughout another challenging year, and to all of our front liners, businesses and volunteer organisations who always go above and beyond.
Enjoy spending time with loved ones or doing something you love and reach out to those you know are alone at this time of the year. Give gratitude for what we have and each other, and our beautiful home and its inhabitants.
November 24th, 2021
Recent announcements for December 17 have as I said in my speech in Parliament, brought much joy in our communities, as well as great angst.
Mandates around vaccinations have seen our inboxes overflow in a way my office has never experienced. From our businesses, residents and patients of the chiropractors, psychologists and other allied health care workers who are impacted, the ramifications of a decrease of available health providers when we are needing them the most will impact all in our community. As we wait for responses from Government to the many concerns and questions surrounding, including why telehealth cannot be used where possible, I thank everyone for their unity and support for each other, regardless of vaccination status.
Outside of Chamber, there has been greater awareness to our ‘invisible injuries’ including PTSD via local events, and we thank all who work and volunteer in this space. During the coming months, it is really important to ensure our mental fitness is part of our daily regime, including not sending any symptoms to the ‘do later’ box! There are many organisations there to assist, and we have a list of these at 360, as well as some fabulous exercises for our mind.
Remembrance Day 2021 was again one of deep honouring and appreciation for those who gave their lives for us. The releasing of the doves is the greatest of reminders to always strive for peace, whether in our homes, workplaces or internationally.
With the very broad range of state issues that come across our desk, to keep updated just visit Noosa 360 at and use the search bar to look for a topic. Recent posts include hinterland heavy haulage, the Housing Action Group and COVID-19 FAQ updates.
And please, as I continue to request, if you are vaccinating do so urgently to avoid long waits or potential supply issues once COVID visits our community. With our hospital systems struggling already these past months, and ambulance ramping, we must do everything we can to not add to the load when borders open. That includes being vigilant with our hygiene measures, mask up when required and hunkering down when outbreaks occur.
October 27th, 2021
Wow! The end of year is fast approaching and between border announcements, parliamentary sittings, fantastic events, and some lively debates, more than the weather is heating up!
A catch-up with Dr Ian Norton from Global Response on some COVID-19 claims that have been shared on various social media platforms and into our inboxes provided clarification on many questions you may have. With the recent border announcements and what may be a pre-Christmas rush to get vaccinated, please grab a cuppa (it’s 40 minutes so you will need it) and check out the interview at which in addition has a number of Noosa FAQ’s.
With fire, storm, and flood season upon us, a reminder to make your preparations including cleaning out gutters and any combustibles close to our homes and having your emergency/evacuation plan completed and shared with the household. As from what we experienced during our last fires, it is so important in your essentials ‘kit’ to include prescriptions for your medications. For resources on how to prepare, head to
During last month’s parliamentary sittings, there were multiple speeches delivered, including on COVID transition, housing legislation, and social media. You can find all of my speeches at
With the very broad range of state issues that come across our desk, to keep updated just visit Noosa 360 at and use the search bar to look for a topic. Recent posts include hinterland heavy haulage, the Housing Action Group, and COVID-19 FAQ updates.
While you are there, subscribe to our monthly newsletter which covers what is happening at home and in Parliament, as well join us on Facebook for daily updates. As always, please do not hesitate to contact our office via or 53193100 if you require assistance or have any questions.
Warmest regards and yes, I did see that the Christmas decorations have hit the shops!
September 22nd, 2021
Welcome to Spring everyone! Longer and warmer days, the joy of blooms and the warming of our waterways and hearts in the midst of what is still an unprecedented time.
It was a momentous week in Parliament with the passing of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill (VAD) 2021. This has been a long journey for so many, and I had asked throughout that respect and compassion for all be demonstrated, and I was grateful that this also extended into Chamber during the debate. With polls and surveys showing overwhelming support in our electorate, the extensive research, consultation and reviews undertaken, as well the work over three years by two separate Health Committee’s, the right to access choice for those who seek and qualify under very strict criteria was voted in 61 to 30. As submitted by those both ‘for’ and ‘against’ increased funding for palliative care from the day of a terminal diagnosis must be a priority. You can find my full VAD speech at
Those aged 60 and over are now eligible to receive the Pfizer vaccine, with assurance that we now have the supply to meet demand. For information on where to access, including at Queensland Health Vaccination locations and GPs/pharmacies, please visit With the reality that we may only get to re-open at target percentages as in other states, for those that have been waiting, now is the time to avoid a rush that may emanate as borders nationally and internationally open. For those who have made the choice not to vaccinate, please respect the decision of others who are working to that target.
The recently announced Tourism and Hospitality Sector Hardship Program will provide one-off grants of up to $50,000 to eligible tourism and hospitality businesses facing significant financial hardship as a result of COVID-19 travel restrictions and interstate lockdowns. There will be three levels of support for employing sole traders to small business (with a payroll under $1.3 million), small to medium businesses (with a payroll of $1.3 million to $10 million inclusive), and medium to large businesses (payroll over $10 million). The level of support will increase in line with payroll size from $15,000 for small businesses, to $25,000 for medium businesses, and to $50,000 for large businesses. You can find more information, including eligibility criteria, at
The Housing Action Group recently met this month in ongoing efforts to address both the short and longer-term shortages, with updates on progress received by all in attendance and a summary available at
With so much to report, visit Noosa 360 at where updates are regularly posted on local issues, including this month Estimates 2021/22 and Beckmans Road. Whilst there, subscribe to our newsletter or join us on Facebook. As always, email our office at or phone 5319 3100 if you any require assistance.
August 25th, 2021
From visiting our barbell champions and gardening with our future change-makers at Cooran State School, to recent COVID-19 lockdowns that have highlighted how both strong, and vulnerable we are, this month has brought forward questions not posed before, and I will be speaking of this in the next sitting of Parliament.
Following on from our advocacies to the QLD Small Business Commissioner and the Premier, it was welcome news that COVID-19 Business Support Grants have been announced with inclusion for our sole traders, as well as progress regarding insurances. However, there are still ‘gaps’, which we have written to Minister Farmer and cc’d in the Premier and Treasurer on, with examples of our businesses ineligible for funding support. Thank you to all who have assisted in this advocacy.
It was beneficial to update advocates on non-lethal shark control methods and current trials. As explained, support must come from our community, and we shall be again putting the question during our annual survey which last time only had 32 per cent in favour of shark net removal. My Question on Notice to the Minister and response can be found at
As reported previously, Government has allocated funding in this year’s budget towards community transport to address the gaps we had identified and advocated about. The new Community Transport Program supports residents who are not eligible for other subsidisation to access medical appointments with information available at Should any of the existing subsidies, extended PTSS zones or this new program not be able to assist, we shall continue our pilot Be: Noosa Connect-SCUH Transport until we have ascertained that no one else remains in any ‘gaps’.
In amongst Covid restrictions, it has been wonderful to immerse in the incredible energy of our community. Between citizenship ceremonies, book and magazine launches, celebrations, ‘Think Tanks’ and as well as many magical ‘Noosa’ moments. The successful South East QLD bid to host the Olympic and Paralympic games presents an opportunity for our little ones to dream of gold as well as for our businesses to thrive and for the development of infrastructure in our region. A recent meeting ‘brainstormed’ about what a taskforce would look like, and the key messages were for it to be community-driven, with unity between all levels of government. Thank you to Ted O’Brien MP for hosting and to all that attended!’
With so much to report, visit Noosa 360 at where updates are regularly posted on local issues, including on the Housing Action Group. Whilst there, subscribe to our newsletter, or join us on Facebook. As always, email our office at or phone 5319 3100 if you require assistance.
July 22nd, 2021
From snap lockdowns to health alerts, the impacts from COVID continue to cause disruption and great hardship for many including many of our small businesses, with sadly some poor behaviours being reported that is not very ‘Noosa’!
As reported July 9, the Check In Qld app became mandatory for all businesses that the public is ordinarily given access to for the purpose of accessing retail goods and services, with the exception of businesses where goods and services are supplied in a drive through or supplied at a person’s place of residence. There have been many questions around this, including whether it is the responsibility of the business or the customer to oversee the use of the app. The Chief Health Officer has explained that the onus is on the individual to check in, however the business has the responsibility to make sure the QR code is prominently displayed and there is an attempt to see that people are checking in.
Our housing crisis persists, and I thank all who continue to move ‘mountains’ to ensure no one needs to sleep rough, including the team at the Department of Housing, our backpackers and resorts who are allocating a portion of their rooms for workers and their families, and the residents who are head leasing their properties or offering share accommodation. This month our Housing Action Group meeting had to be rescheduled due to the lockdown, and I will post to 360 a full report once we have held this meeting as there are a number of outcomes we have been waiting on to alleviate the critical shortfall of rentals. For those experiencing end of lease issues, please contact the Residential Tenancy Authority, who can provide tenancy information and support, bond management, dispute resolution, investigations and prosecutions, and education services. There are also two upcoming Bills within this space, the Housing Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 and Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation (Tenants’ Rights) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021. You can make a public submission at
It has not been all challenges, as a visit with our PTSD dogs, work experience students, and a host of wonderful news including local biz ScreenCoach receiving $1 million in funding from the Federal Government, are just some of the magical MP moments of late.
With so much to report, visit Noosa 360 at where updates are regularly posted on local issues. Whilst there, subscribe to our newsletter, or join us on Facebook. As always, email our office on or phone 5319 3100 if you any require assistance.
Don’t forget to help our businesses by doing the right thing regarding the app and masks. These guys have had it really tough, and your assistance as we continue to get to the ‘other side’ of this bug is much needed and appreciated.
May 24th, 2021
How wonderful it is to be back home after Budget week and the late nights spent trawling through Service Delivery Statements! In brief, this year’s Budget did offer something for everyone, however the devil is in the detail. For an overview on what the Budget means for the Noosa Electorate, please visit
The announcement that new parole laws are currently being drafted is very welcomed, which will give the President of the Parole Board QLD, the power to make a declaration against the ‘worst of the worst’ murderers, including child killers and those who commit multiple murders, stopping them applying for parole for up to 10 years after their eligibility date. There will also be no limit on the number of declarations that can be issued. Thank you to the 72,000 who signed the petition regarding Barrie Watts’ parole application and joined us in writing to Ministers Fentiman and Ryan to get these laws changed. Our thoughts are with the families and loved ones of Sian Kingi and Daniel Morcombe, and other families impacted by horrific crimes, and look forward to this coming before Parliament.
It was our privilege to recently honour 25 incredible volunteers at our 2021 Queensland Day Awards and celebrate the spirit of our community that they represent so well. Both the Peregian Springs State School Mural Opening and the ‘Digi’ Welcome to Country at the Noosa Information Centre were wonderful initiatives in National Reconciliation Week, and Mervyns 102nd birthday and Noosa Eat and Drink Festival provided an opportunity to take advantage of our incredible home and its people.
With multiple committee inquiries open for public consultation, including the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill and the Inquiry into serious vilification and hate crimes, you can find out how to make a submission at
Airservices Australia have advised that the Community Engagement Plan (CEP) has been finalised, following two rounds of community feedback and consideration of submissions. In addition, a Review of Community Feedback on the Draft Post Implementation Review (PIR) has also been released. These documents are available at
A reminder that from 1am Saturday June 19, anyone entering QLD from another state or territory or New Zealand, will need to make an online travel declaration. For full information and the link for applications, please visit To stay updated on all COVID-19 matters, visit
May 27th, 2021
Although winter has arrived, for our region this still means clear blue skies, turquoise waters and beautiful days, so no need to huddle indoors, enjoy all the reasons why others holiday here!
Concerns raised with us regarding the Coastal Hazards Adaptation Plan have been relayed to the Minister for Environment, as it is extremely important that the community has the time to investigate the complexities as part of the consultation process.
It was fabulous to gather with former Brisbane Lord Mayor Sallyanne Atkinson, Mayor Clare, Susan Davies President of Sharing with Friends, and Joanna Blyth from AECOM regarding a co-housing project by women for women. In addition, the first ‘micro’ apartments are housing our hospitality staff, though we need many more to meet the demand with our businesses experiencing a severe staff shortage. If you know any residents looking for work, please get them to contact any of our employment agencies.
Information on the Noosa River Advisory Committee has been updated on Council’s website at and any questions regarding their work can be emailed to
Works have recently commenced on Beckmans Road Stage 1. Design work completed to date had identified the alignment of the new intersection, allowing vegetation clearing and relocation of energy and water infrastructure to start the project. Main construction is projected to commence in late this year, weather and conditions permitting, with more information available on Noosa Council’s website.
Between Parliamentary sittings and multiple meetings, including with the Climate Council and the Legal Affairs and Safety Committee, there were also several events. This consisted of the Supercharging QLD Showcase, in which I got to catch up with some amazing ‘Noosans’ from both Noosa Council and Zero Emissions Noosa. As well, the Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Breakfast demonstrated the depth and breadth of those who work in one of the most difficult spaces, including the fabulous services and organisations that were in attendance.
Even though COVID-19 restrictions have eased, please remember to physically distance, practice good hygiene and stay updated on
Don’t forget to visit Noosa 360 at where updates are regularly posted on local issues. Whilst there, subscribe to our newsletter, or join us on Facebook. As always, email our office on or phone 5319 3100 if you any require assistance.
April 22nd, 2021
Even though it was a very wet Easter, there were still plenty of visitors out and about enjoying our home. A special thanks to the teams who worked tirelessly over the break to help keep residents and visitors safe, as well to those that respected both our community and its inhabitants. With over 100 infringements issued on the North Shore, it was welcome news that of the 700 random breath tests conducted, there was only one over the limit.
Fire bans within the Cooloola Recreation Area have been extended until September 2021, with further details available on the booking website. This decision was made following an ecological assessment of bushfire impacts from the 2019/20 bushfires and an assessment of the Fraser Island (K’gari) bushfire, however we have requested that this come to local stakeholders for further consultation.
The newly formed Noosa River Advisory Committee held its inaugural meeting last week with 14 selected stakeholder committee members, representatives from both MSQ and Noosa Council, as well Mayor Clare and myself as observers. We look forward to seeing some of our historical river issues finally resolved, as well as any emerging.
Our Housing Action Group meeting in March saw progress on several fronts including legislation around secondary dwellings and dual occupancy, which Council will be workshopping in the coming weeks.
Airservices Australia have advised that the updated draft Community Engagement Plan (CEP) is now available for review until Friday April 30, 2021. In addition, a site feasibility study to identify potential zones in which noise monitors may be placed has commenced, and once completed, community engagement on suitable monitoring locations will begin. For more information head to
Between two Parliamentary sittings, regional QLD public hearings for the Youth Justice Bill, and a multitude of meetings including with our new interns and Community Legal Centres, I managed some treasured ‘MP Moments’! Welcoming St Thomas More Primary School students to Parliament House, and catching up with those who are trialing drones as part of swimmer safety, and an end to those shark nets?
Close to my heart are the many hardworking community organisations throughout our electorate, and it was fantastic to be able to fund some endeavours through the Community Connect and Seeds for Change programs. I look forward to sharing these projects as they commence. Please an eye out for our QLD Day Awards announcements shortly to nominate our incredible volunteers and pro bono professionals who work tirelessly in our community.
Even though COVID-19 restrictions have eased, please remember to physically distance, practice good hygiene and stay updated on
Blessings until next month, where I look forward to seeing you at the Peregian Beach Mobile Office Saturday 1st May from 9-11am. If you would like an appointment, just give the office a call on 5319 3100
March 25th, 2021
After multiple weeks spent down in the ‘big house’ and travelling throughout Queensland with the Legal Affairs and Safety Committee holding public hearings on the Youth Justice Bill, I am again reminded of how blessed we are to live in the Noosa Electorate.
Thank you to everyone who reported turtle hatchlings on Noosa North Shore, which resulted in prompt responses and some very happy youngsters making their way to the ocean! A timely reminder for anyone travelling on the beach, especially from Freshwater Lake track up to Double Island Point, to go slow. This will also be discussed at the next Teewah Cooloola Working Group as to how we can better protect during turtle seasons and raised with the Minister for Environment during Question Time in Parliament. Changes to campsite bookings at Cooloola Recreation Area and number plate recognition cameras are some of the measures implemented as part of addressing poor and dangerous behaviours with more improvements to come, including dealing with those mobile blackspots.
After meeting with state planners regarding legislation and critical housing shortages, I look forward to updating stakeholders at our next Housing Action Group (HAG) meeting with confirmation that we have progressed further in efforts to resolve. Updates are posted to Noosa 360 on our website after each meeting.
The Federal Government’s roll out of phase 1b of the COVID-19 vaccination has commenced, yes with a couple of ‘hiccup’s which are quickly being resolved. Information regarding eligibility and locations can be found at
Having met recently with a number of representatives from locality-based groups regarding Council’s Coastal Hazard Adaptation Plans, it was good to see the quality of submissions being made as instrumental changes of this nature is a journey that requires all of community to travel together as projected impacts in climate change will affect everyone.
Maritime Safety QLD and Noosa Council have jointly selected the members of a new Noosa River Stakeholder Reference Group from submissions received during the recent Expressions of Interest. We look forward to the first meeting and subsequent improvements to many aspects of our river management, including those that have been our ‘gremlins’ including moorings.
Recent Parliamentary speeches included the welcomed ban on certain plastic items, incorporating the fabulous efforts of our organisations and community, and those magic coconut shell bowls in the E-PAC! For Chamber ‘happenings’, don’t forget you can tune in to Parliament TV during sitting weeks at
A reminder to stay updated on efforts and issues including those above via subscribing to our monthly newsletter or searching by topic in Noosa 360, both available at As well join us on Facebook by ‘liking’ Sandy Bolton MP! If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us on 53193100 or
February 25th, 2021
Regarding Sunshine Coast flight paths, feedback on the draft Terms of Reference (TOR) and the draft Community Engagement Plan (CEP) have resulted in the TOR with final changes tracked and a summary of the feedback received by Air Services Australia. The submissions for the CEP are being reviewed, and an updated draft will be provided for a further public review. If you have any questions, please contact Engage Airservices at
We continue to be contacted by residents impacted by our current housing crisis, and I thank our community who have assisted enormously in efforts. The Housing Action Group is working rapidly on both short- and longer-term solutions, and currently we await the response from State Government surrounding the constraints by definition for second dwellings, infrastructure charges and other contributors to the current situation.
The COVID-19 vaccine rollout has commenced for those in the high priority group, with the vaccine hub for our region based at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital. Information is available at
The Lake MacDonald Dam upgrade by Seqwater is to be reassessed due to information that emerged during the procurement stage which predicted that project costs would be significantly higher than anticipated, hence the lowering of the lake will now not proceed in 2021. Seqwater has assured that it will keep our community updated as the assessment progresses with an approximate completion date mid-year.
There has been concerns on Facebook regarding tree clearing, highlighting the need again for a call out for residents to contact our Councillors or myself for information so that what is shared online can be productive versus divisive.
With the first parliamentary sitting for 2021 underway, a reminder to stay updated on efforts and issues including those above via subscribing to our monthly newsletter or searching by topic in Noosa 360 at Alternatively join us on Facebook by ‘liking’ Sandy Bolton MP. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me on 53193100 or
January 28th, 2021
Welcome to 2021 and a huge thank you to all who helped make it a memorable holiday season, from businesses to holidaymakers, our teams and to those blessed to live here.
The vast majority of our visitors were fabulous and ‘did right’ by our community; however, we did have some poor behaviour by visitors and sadly some locals on our river and in our Cooloola Recreation area. This included some campers disrespecting fellow campers, and then leaving their rubbish. Understandably some of this was due to the storm, however the rest was an ongoing pattern. This has become a non-negotiable situation and I have called on the new Minister to expedite a resolution.
We were caught by surprise when interstate and Greater Brisbane COVID hotspots were announced on a Friday, creating frustration for those attempting to get tested. Thank you to Noosa Council who quickly provided a space for the QLD Ambulance Service (QAS) to set up a ‘pop up’ testing site. In addition, Sunny Street have relocated to Tait Duke Cottage which is open seven days a week. For all updates, head to
Our housing crisis worsened over the break, and while we work on resolutions via the Housing Action Group, there are several ways that you can be part of the solution. One is for owners renting out a property to consider the option of a ‘head-lease’ with one of our community housing providers. Under the Property Law Act, a headlease allows these organisations to sublet your property with government subsidisation.
Seqwater has advised that the Lake MacDonald Dam Upgrade is to be reassessed as a result of information that emerged during the procurement stage, which predicted that project costs would be significantly higher than anticipated. The lowering of the lake will now not proceed in 2021, however Seqwater has assured that it will keep our community updated as the assessment progresses with an approximate completion date mid-year.
As always, space is limited so join us at Noosa 360, Facebook or subscribe to our newsletter via to keep updated.
We have a fabulous journey ahead together this year, and I look forward to seeing you soon.